Hey John,
Have you ever made a decision and, months later, looked back knowing it was one of the best decisions of your life? The kind of decision that fills you with absolute certainty?
Well… today, I want to share a powerful story with you—a story of hope, courage, and the incredible impact you have on a mom's life. It’s a story about how you gave a mom one of these “best decision” moments during the most difficult time of her life.
Much like Mary, the mother of Jesus, there are moms today who seek sanctuary and support during their unexpected pregnancies. Jesus’ mom found comfort and safety with her family when she needed it most. This Christmas, I can’t help but be reminded of how important it is for every mom to feel supported and safe in her own community, without the need to leave her hometown in search of help.
Let me introduce you to another Mary- a mom whose life you helped change.
Mary was homeless and living out of her car, when she found herself facing an unexpected pregnancy of her own. She quickly became overwhelmed with uncertainty.
"How could I bring a baby into this world if I couldn't even take care of myself? I was desperate... abortion felt like my only option."
She didn’t know where to turn or who to trust. But you were there. Thanks to you, she was given the support she needed during her darkest moments. Your generosity provided her with life-changing resources.
"They brought me food, Amazon gift cards, bottles. They helped me get everything together, [placed me] in a housing program as well, and a list of babysitters."
And all this local support surrounding her is what empowered her to see that an abortion was not necessary at all. Because you were there for her, she ultimately chose life for her son. Looking back now, she knows:
"I made the best decision... I see now [my son] is what I needed in my life."
Mary’s story above is a testament to the power of community and faith in action. Because of rescuers like you, she was provided access to life-changing resources, compassionate care, and a local church to support her long-term. Unlike Jesus’ mom, who had to leave town, this Mary found her sanctuary in her own community.
"I mean, it's just an amazing feeling just to think that I can support my kids now. Human Coalition, they are angels to me."
This vital, life-affirming work is only possible because of your generosity. Your support ensures that moms like Mary are not alone, giving them the courage to choose life for their preborn children. In fact, you can be the “angel” that the next mom needs to choose life today.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus – the most famous unexpected pregnancy in history – let us continue to extend lifesaving support to moms in need right here at home. Our church outreach programs equip churches to provide safety and sanctuary for moms like Mary and her son, when they need it most.
Will you stand with us this Christmas season? Your gift can connect the next mom actively seeking an abortion with compassionate, Christ-centered care in her local community. Together, we can be the beacon of hope that every mom deserves.
Here’s a secure link where you can make your year-end gift: https://www.humancoalition.org/donate/give-lifesaving-hope-em/
With a heart full of gratitude,
Rachel Lane
Vice President of Family Services