Mises Institute
Monday, December 9, 2024
Minimum Wage Laws Can’t Repeal the Laws of Economics
Scott Drylie • Michael Brown
A new study at UC Berkeley claims that California’s new $20 minimum wage has had no adverse economic effects. If only that were true.
Employed Workers Dwindle and Full-Time Jobs Fall as the Fed Readies More Easy Money
Ryan McMaken
In November, employed workers flatlined yet again. Naturally, the Fed plans interest rate cuts.
David Glasner on the Sraffa-Hayek Debate
Bob Murphy discusses the famous Sraffa-Hayek debate with UCLA-trained economist David Glasner.
Fiscal Folly
Government spending does not reflect true economic value the way personal spending does.
Paul Krugman Rides into the Sunset
After spending 25 years as a columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman is finally retiring from that position—25 years too late, if one wishes to be honest.
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Federal Power and Statist Racecraft
During Reconstruction, federal troops pitted recently-freed slaves against southern whites. The outcome was obvious, leading to more than a century of violent racial clashes, all the while strengthening federal power.
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Atomic Salvation: Did the Atom Bombs Save 500,000 to 32 Million Lives?
The myth lives on to this day that the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war prematurely, saving millions of lives.
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Crony Socialism
Yuri Maltsev (1950–2023) on how politics, bureaucracy, and self-dealing monetary planners work against the cause of greater peace and prosperity.
The World at War
To understand war, you also have to understand economics. Ralph Raico’s lecture “The World at War” is a masterpiece.
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