Hey John,

It’s Election Day, so I’ll keep this short and get to the point. More than 860,000 Oregon voters have already turned in their ballots! Have you? 
If you still have your ballot, you have until 8pm tonight (Tuesday, May 19th) to get your ballot to an official drop box. Time is running out, the stakes are high, and so far voter turnout is impressive, so find a drop box near you and get your ballot in! 
I am filling out my ballot this morningcup of coffee and OLCV’s endorsements in handand I am ready to vote! I am so excited to be voting for amazing environmental and climate champions running for secretary of state all the way down to local offices like city council. Then, I’m heading out for a walk with my dog Luna to drop my ballot off at my local library (closed, but still has a ballot drop box). What’s your plan to get your ballot in?
There are a lot of close races this year, at both the state and local levels. Your vote will help make sure that environmental leaders get elected! Find a list of OLCV’s endorsed candidates online here.
One especially close race? Secretary of state. This year, we have the chance to elect Sen. Shemia Fagan, a fighter and an environmental champion with a 91% lifetime score on the OLCV Environmental Scorecard. When Republican lawmakers walked out on the Clean Energy Jobs bill, Shemia was one of the first to stand up and fight for the billand the democratic process. That’s why it’s so important to vote! With high turnout and an incredibly close race, your vote is more crucial than ever in electing candidates like Shemia who will stand up for us.
So, if you haven’t yet, get out there and vote! Turn your ballot in at a drop box by 8pm tonight, and join us in voting for a better Oregon, and a better future. If you have voted, thank you!!
Happy voting!
Lindsey Scholten
Political Director, OLCV

Paid For By The Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
321 SW 4th Avenue Suite 600
Suite 600
Portland OR 97204 United States
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