Dark forces seek to censor and destroy people of faith, especially during the Christmas season.
TODAY we face two massive court deadlines as we fight back.
Christians are being CANCELED for sharing their faith. We are defending a Kay Jewelers employee who was FIRED for "talking about God at work." It's outrageous, but she's not the only one facing anti-Christian attacks.
- Seniors BANNED from holding Bible studies in their communities
- Employees DENIED the right to go to church on Sunday
- Students PUNISHED for praying or bringing a Bible to school
- Teachers BARRED from praying
- Church ministries BLOCKED from using their own property
We're fighting in each one of these cases and are being inundated with new contacts who have fallen victim to the Left's war on our Christian faith. We just filed a MAJOR lawsuit against Kay Jewelers, and we face two other critical court deadlines today defending churches and Christians.
Your dedicated support of our work makes the difference between failure and success. TODAY, your Tax-Deductible gift will be DOUBLED through our Faith & Freedom Year-End Drive. $5 becomes $10; $20 becomes $40.
Have Your Gift Doubled To Defend Christians in Court.
As we go to court TODAY to defend your Christian faith, take action with us this December.
Sign: Defeat Biden's War on Our Christian Faith.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director