Hello Halibut Harvesters The 2025 Commercial Halibut Fishing License and halibut tags, for both the commercial and recreational fisheries, are now available for purchase through the DMR Licensing Division. Licenses and tags can be purchased through LEEDs, DMR's online licensing and landings system, or in-person at the DMR Augusta office (32 Blossom Lane) on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday from 8:30AM-4:30PM. Fishermen can drop off their application in our secured drop box and Licensing will process it the next day. For more information, please visit the Licensing Division webpage or call licensing at 207.624.6550 (Option 2). It is important to note that the US Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) for Atlantic Halibut has been reduced to 35mt for FY2025. While Maine was successful at increasing the percentage of the halibut ABC that goes towards the state fishery, Maine is still facing a reduced state waters sub-component of 9.1mt (previously 16mt). As a result, ME DMR anticipates going through rulemaking this winter to adjust halibut measures so that catch is constrained to this reduced quota. While we do not anticipate reducing the number of tags, we will be considering other changes such as a reduced season. Following rulemaking this winter, DMR will update the Halibut Compliance Guide for FY2025. If you are not a federal permit holder fishing outside the state halibut season, please know that you can wait to purchase your halibut license and tags until the outcome of the rule-making process is known, so that you may make an informed decision regarding whether or not you wish to purchase a license to participate in the 2025 fishing season. We anticipate that the rule-making process will be completed by April, which will still leave ample time for tags to be distributed ahead of the season start. Should you choose to purchase your halibut license and tags prior to the completion of this rulemaking, please note NO REFUNDS will be issued following the implementation of the new measures. Again, non-federal permit holders may wait to purchase their 2025 license until the management measures for the 2025 season have been determined. Finally, please be aware that until the end of the calendar year, both 2024 AND 2025 licenses are available for purchase. If you are intending to purchase a 2025 license, please ensure that is the year you have selected. If you have any issues, please feel free to contact Licensing at the contact information above for assistance.