
A message from our sponsor

A Personal Appeal from Rand Paul

Dear Friend,

Below, I've included a petition to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, your Senators and your Congressman.

It's vital you follow the links below and sign your petition immediately.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and the Big Labor bosses are going to be going ballistic.

You see, the National Right to Work Act (S.525, H.R.2571) has now been introduced to repeal forever Big Labor's power to force workers to pay union dues just to get or keep a job.

But Big Labor lobbyists and their allies on Capitol Hill are going to use every trick in the book to bury the National Right to Work bill.

And they want to do it as quietly as possible.

The fact is, union kingpins (and their water-carriers in Congress) can't afford the consequences of having their coercive privileges publicly debated and voted on in Congress!

Just getting a roll call vote is a win-win for opponents of forced unionism.

The union bosses don't want the American people to know:


Millions of workers are forced to surrender part of every paycheck just to keep their jobs -- giving union bosses money that could go to workers' families or be saved for their future.

This cash funds violent "organizing" drives, provides a limousine lifestyle for union bigwigs, and bankrolls radical, Tax-and-Spend politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren.


Big Labor's power is deadly to millions of small businesses.

Union-label politicians and bureaucrats strangle small businesses with confiscatory taxes, destructive laws and straitjacket regulations.


Billions of forced-dues dollars bankroll radical, Tax-and-Spend politicians, resulting in out-of-control spending, soaring taxes and skyrocketing debt.


Union toughs terrorize workers and communities with violent strikes -- where they get away with beatings, arson and sometimes even murder.

In the fight for a National Right to Work law, opponents of forced unionism will face a showdown against the full might of Big Labor.

So to force up or down votes, opponents of forced unionism must maximize the number of Right to Work cosponsors.

That's why it's vital that you act at once to help ignite massive public support for a National Right to Work bill.

By the time the Right to Work bill comes up for a vote, every member of Congress must realize the eyes of the American people will be watching.

It's a Win-Win Scenario

National opinion polls show that nearly 80% of Americans think it's just plain wrong to force workers to pay union dues under the threat of being fired if they don't pay!

And it's critical the National Right to Work Committee, who has led the fight against forced dues for year after year, has your help in demonstrating that to Congress.

If the public's attention is fixed on this battle, every member of Congress will be forced to recognize -- or defy at their peril -- the massive public opposition to compulsory unionism.

Then we'll see who dares to stand with Big Labor. . .

. . . and who stands with freedom and the American people.

So please follow this link to sign your petition to Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, your Senators and Congressman immediately to demonstrate to Congress and the national media the strong opposition to forced unionism.

It's all part of the National Right to Work Committee's crusade to force votes and ultimately pass a National Right to Work law.

With your help, we will:


Run TV and radio ads targeting swing votes in key states and districts.


Contact directly by mail up to 10 million supporters urging them to demand their Senators and Congressmen vote for the National Right to Work bill.


Brief personally the hundreds of favorable columnists, radio talk show hosts and editorial writers nationwide who can help mobilize public opinion.


Crank up massive phone banks in the days before the vote to really make Congress feel the heat.

It's critical in this battle that members of Congress hear loud and clear from the 80% of Americans who oppose forced unionism.

Of course, they may choose to obey the Big Labor bosses rather than the majority of their constituents. That's their choice.

But time and again, when politicians defied the public and voted for forced unionism, they've paid the price with the end of their political careers!

Clearly, this whole effort will be very expensive.

An all-out media and direct mail blitz to mobilize massive public pressure on Congress will be the key to our success.

So to pay for the expensive ads, mailings, phone banks and other efforts, it's critical you pitch in a special contribution to the National Right to Work Committee today.

Will you make a generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $25 or $10 to help launch the next, crucial phase for ultimate passage of a National Right to Work law?

It's a Win-Win Scenario

It's vital you join with the other opponents of forced unionism to put the politicians' feet to the fire to bring the National Right to Work Act up for a vote.

It would be a crime to let politicians who support compulsory unionism off the hook.

Up against the forced-dues-fed, billion-dollar might of Big Labor, all the Committee has on its side is truth, public opinion . . .

. . . And you!

Unlike Big Labor, the National Right to Work Committee doesn't have (or want) the power to force anyone to pay dues.

So it has to depend on generous folks like you.

Please don't make it easy for Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Big Labor to bury the National Right to Work bill.

Some folks have already sent $250, $500 and even more. For others, a contribution of $25 or $50 has been as much as they could afford.

Please sign your petition right away so we can demonstrate to every member of Congress and the media the strong support for Right to Work.

Without your contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $25 or $10, the National Right to Work Committee won't be able to contact 10 million Americans, place the advertising, staff phone banks or do anything else to put Big Labor on the spot with a public vote on the National Right to Work bill.

And if you and I don't press forward now, we may never have a chance like this again.

Please help today.

Follow this link to sign your petition to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, your Senators and Congressman, and pitch in your contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $25 or $10 to the National Right to Work Committee.

Rand Paul MD

Rand Paul, M.D.
United States Senator

P.S. Since most Americans oppose Big Labor's forced-unionism power, a public debate on the National Right to Work Law is Big Labor's (and its water-carriers' in Congress) worst nightmare!

So please, sign your petition to Congress and pitch in your contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50, $25 or $10 to the National Right to Work Committee today.

It's a Win-Win Scenario

The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation.  The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160.  The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892.  Its web address is www.nrtwc.org

Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

To help the National Right to Work Committee grow, please forward this to a friend.


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