Refusing Trump’s Orders: Military Resistance to Mass Deportation
Episode 228 dropped December 8: Central to Trump’s fascist agenda is his pledge to carry out the largest
mass deportation effort in the nation’s history. Trump has affirmed
that efforts will involve a national emergency declaration and the
military. Host Sam Goldman interviews Brittany Ramos DeBarros,
an army veteran and Organizer Director of About Face: Veterans Against the War.
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Brittany Ramos DeBarros: Trump is talking about culling the military leadership, and removing any military leadership who might be loyal to the Constitution more than they're loyal to him. We're about to be in a situation where potentially thousands of U.S. service members are going to be facing a moral crisis. What we're going to be relying on is individual members of the military being willing to take risks and stand up and say "This isn't right, and I'm not willing to participate in it."
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In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a FASCIST America.
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