Hello Friend,
Welcome to my e-newsletter, the Ready Room. As a retired Naval Aviator, the Ready Room is special to me because it’s where fellow aviators meet to brief and debrief missions. This is my weekly briefing to you on my mission in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for regular updates on how my team and I are working to serve you in Congress.
International standards setting bodies work to create and promote uniform sets of standards for technology. The Chinese Communist Party has attempted to flood these standards bodies with sympathizers to undercut U.S. global leadership and benefit their own economy and interests. To counter China and ensure the U.S. leads the way in tech innovation, we must encourage U.S. participation in these important standards bodies. That's why I introduced H.R. 10281, the Promoting United States Leadership in Standards Act, to make it easier for U.S. companies and experts to take part. Click here to learn more.
The National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration’s (NOAA) hurricane hunter fleet is critical to delivering real-time data to improve forecasts and emergency management efforts. However, NOAA’s current WP-3D Orion planes are set to retire in 2030 after decades of service. Without timely replacements, NOAA’s hurricane and extreme weather forecasting capabilities will be at risk. That's why I led a bipartisan letter urging Congress to include funds to modernize NOAA's hurricane hunter fleet in any upcoming emergency disaster relief supplemental package. Click here to learn more.
Communist regimes all over the world have suppressed personal freedoms, imprisoned dissenters and brutally tortured or killed of millions of people. Sadly, some schools and universities do not properly educate students on the dangers of communism. For example, many remember the Confucius classrooms in K-12 schools which whitewashed the truth about communism and pushed CCP-cultural education with the help of Chinese funding. Shocking research shows 30% of millennials have a favorable view of Marxism, while more than 30% of millennials and Gen Z support the elimination of our capitalist system. Those statistics are alarming. I cosponsored and voted for H.R. 5349, the Crucial Communism Teaching Act, to direct the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation to provide local schools with a middle and high school curriculum that educates students on the dangers of communist systems, which are diametrically opposed to our shared American ideals. This bill passed the House last week and now awaits Senate action. Click here to learn more.
Test Your Knowledge #CivicsWithScott!
What type of congressional committee is permanent?
A. Conference
B. Select
C. Constitutional
D. Standing
Last Week's Question
What does impeachment mean? Which body impeaches?
A. To accuse of wrongdoing. The U.S. Justice Department.
B. To accuse of wrongdoing. The U.S. House of Representatives. - Correct answer
C. To convict of wrongdoing. The U.S. Senate.
D. To convict of wrongdoing. The U.S. Supreme Court.
It's an honor and privilege to represent you in Congress. Please take a moment to fill out my latest constituent survey here. Your feedback helps me better represent you. For more information on constituent services, current legislation, and to sign up for my e-newsletter, please visit my website at franklin.house.gov.
Best regards,
C. Scott Franklin Member of Congress