Chris CoonsJoin us.
Dear John,

In the past few months, we've seen that Democrats have a real shot at flipping the Senate. One of the most important races will be in Iowa, where Democrat Theresa Greenfield is gaining momentum. The latest poll showed Theresa down by just one point.

Republicans are seeing the same thing we are, and dark money groups have pledged to spend over $12 million to make sure they hold this seat. Theresa is at a large fundraising disadvantage, but I'm hoping we'll be able to help Theresa ensure she has the resources she needs to win through grassroots support.

Will you split a $10 contribution between Theresa's campaign and our campaign to take back the Senate? Anything you can chip in will make a huge difference.

We need more people like Theresa in the Senate. Theresa grew up on a farm, worked her way through community college, and is now the president of a successful small business.

Theresa is running on the issues that are most important to all of us. As Senator, I know she will stand up for working families, fight to lower the cost of prescription drugs, and be an advocate for our environment. It would be an honor to have her as a colleague.

Will you chip in to help Theresa and me take back the Senate in November? Please, split a contribution now between our campaigns. Together we can win this.

Thank you,



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