Friend, we need your voice to help protect three
iconic places: Chuckwalla, the Great Bend of the Gila, and Black Wall
Street before it's too late.
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Chuckwalla, nestled in Southern California, is a sanctuary for
endangered species and a sacred site for Indigenous people.
The Great Bend of the Gila in Arizona holds invaluable rock art,
geoglyphs, and cultural sites that span millennia.
Black Wall Street, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a powerful testament to
Black excellence, resilience, and entrepreneurialism, and serves as a
reminder of the deep-seated racism that fueled the destruction of the
Greenwood District and continues to plague our nation today.
Yet these places remain unprotected. President Biden needs to act
before his term ends to safeguard these critical areas.
Join us today by sending a letter to President Biden urging him to
protect Chuckwalla, the Great Bend of the Gila, and Black Wall Street
as national monuments.
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When we come together, we have the power to ensure these places are
preserved for generations to come. By sending your letter, you're
standing up for our shared history and the natural beauty that makes
our country unique.
Thank you for your continued commitment to conservation and historical
Yours in conservation,
Myke Bybee
Senior Director of Federal Relations
Trust for Public Land
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How important is protecting these landscapes to you?
Very important
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Somewhat important
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Not important
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Connecting everyone to the outdoors. We create parks and protect
public land where they're needed most so that everyone will have
access to the benefits and joys of the outdoors for generations to
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[email protected].
23 Geary St. Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94108
Trust for Public Land
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