From William J. Federer’s book The Faith of FDR, we read the following quotes. As you read them, keep again in mind the leftist mantra of separation of church and state, no Bibles in school, and no Bible teaching in school.
I close with these FDR quotes form Federer's book:
THE WHOLE WORLD is divided between ...
pagan brutality and the Christian ideal.
We choose human freedom which
is the Christian ideal.
~FDR, May 27, 1941
Address Announcing Unlimited
National Emergency.
PRESERVATION OF THESE rights is vitally
important now, not only to us who enjoy them
but to the whole future of Christian civilization.
FDR, September 1, 1941, Labor Day.
THE WORLD IS too small ... for both Hitler and God
Nazis have now announced their plan for enforcing their
pagan religion all over the world ... by which the Holy Bible
and the Cross of Mercy would be displaced by
Mein Kampf and the swastika.
FDR, January 6, 1942, State of Union.
THOSE FORCES HATE democracy and Christianity
They oppose democracy because it is Christian.
They oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy.
FDR, November 1, 1940, Brooklyn, New York.
I SAW SEVASTOPOL and Yalta! And I know that there
is not room enough on earth for both German
militarism and Christian decency.
FDR, March 1, 1945, on Yalta Conference.
THIS GREAT WAR effort ... shall not be imperiled
by the handful of noisy traitors
betrayers of America
betrayers of Christianity itself.
FDR, April 28, 1942, Fireside Chat.