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🌈 Join the Global Day of Solidarity
22 May

As COVID-19 has spread around the world, so has solidarity among people everywhere – with acts of kindness helping those in need and celebrating the frontline heroes. We want to recognize and nurture the value of solidarity, hope and togetherness and show that we are #StrongerTogether.

Join us and many civil society coalitions around the world to start a butterfly effect for solidarity and hope.
Share your solidarity with #StrongerTogether
Use butterfly wings on zoom backgrounds; paint, create and share art; write messages of solidarity on signs, host colorful meetings or share heartwarming and impactful solidarity stories from your community. These inspiring acts of humanity improve the lives of others, inspire resilience and lift hopes in the ongoing health crisis. Share your action with #StrongerTogether!

For action ideas and further information:
Join the UN75 dialogue ON the Global Day!
How can society unite in solidarity, how can we empower vulnerable peoples, and how we protect the dignity of every human being? On the Global Day of Solidarity, join the UN75 Dialogue by taking the survey and joining at 9:00AM EST on 22 May to discuss how we can emerge from this global health crisis #StrongerTogether. Your views can make a difference!
Register for the UN75 Dialogue
Nominate an act of solidarity for the
UN SDG Action Awards by 19 July
Let’s celebrate #SolidarityinAction through the UN SDG Action Awards! The Solidarity in Action Award will honor the most heartwarming and impactful acts of humanity that improve the lives of others, inspire resilience, and lift hopes in the ongoing global health crisis. Nominations can come from everyone, everywhere.
Nominate for the UN SDG Action Awards
Join us in solidarity and send a message of hope! We have the opportunity to show the impact of individual actions to make the Sustainable Development Goals front and center in the discussion on the recovery!

Stay up to date with news, announcements and the best stories from the SDG Action community and help us spread the word.

Follow the UN SDG Action Campaign
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Copyright ©  2020, UN SDG Action Campaign, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
UN SDG Action Campaign, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn
[email protected]

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