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Will you help reindeer in captivity?
Dear John,
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to double your donation and double your impact for animals.
The Big Give Christmas Challenge is a matched funding appeal. Meaning when you donate via their website, your donation could be DOUBLED. When the matched funding pot runs out, you can still donate and your gift will still be used in this vital campaign, it will just not be matched.
www.freedomforanimals.org.uk/thebiggive-2024-donate ([link removed])
Doubling your impact for animals in captivity.
DOUBLE YOUR GIFT HERE ([link removed])
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By making a donation of £10 or more today you can help END this exploitation and STOP the suffering! Every donation we receive will help reindeer who are suffering each and every festive season.
DOUBLE YOUR GIFT HERE ([link removed])
The ‘Ending Animal Exploitation at Christmas’ campaign aims to:
* Increase awareness: education is key to providing the public with the information they need to stop visiting these cruel events.
* Empower people to take action: equip groups and individuals with the knowledge and materials to oppose live animal events in their communities.
* Increase pressure on local councils: increase work with councils to ban the exhibition of live animals on their land.
* Shine a light on the individual: carry out new investigations to showcase the reality of how reindeer and other animals suffer in events, from trailer to event.
Now is the best time to donate to have the biggest impact for animals!
DOUBLE YOUR GIFT HERE ([link removed])
Use this link to have your gift matched: www.freedomforanimals.org.uk/thebiggive-2024-donate ([link removed])
Please, send your gift today to help reindeer. They need our help now, there is no one else! Thank you.
Yours for the animals,
Andrew Kelly
Freedom for Animals
P.S. Reindeer are suffering right now. But you can help them today by sending a gift of £10 or more during the challenge. Together we can make a difference. Please don’t miss out: www.freedomforanimals.org.uk/thebiggive-2024-donate ([link removed])
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Funds raised from this appeal will support our campaign to end the use of animals like reindeer in mobile zoos and other forms of captivity. Thank you.
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Freedom for Animals
83 Ducie Street
Manchester, M1 2JQ
United Kingdom
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