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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 19 May


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Regulator opens inquiry into Islamic charity after National Secular Society criticism

The Charity Commission has opened a statutory inquiry into a charity that funded a TV station that promoted extremist views. We're quoted.

Third Sector


'Harmful ‘gay cure’ outfit furious at being labelled harmful by NSS'

The Core Issues Trust, headed by "ex-gay" Mike Davidson, came out fighting after the NSS last week wrote to Northern Ireland's Chief Charity Commissioner Nicole Lappin, Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey and Health Minister Robin Swann to point out the inappropriateness of CIT's status. We're quoted.

The Freethinker


Christian TV channel sanctioned by Ofcom after falsely linking 5G to pandemic

Ofcom said the Christian news channel Loveworld made a range of false claims about the pandemic, including touting a conspiracy theory it was being caused by 5G technology.

The Independent


Presbyterian Church calls for guarantee that quoting the Bible will not be illegal

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland has said freedom of speech must be protected under any government overhaul of "hate crime" laws.

News Letter


'Mubarak Bala: Why they hate him'

Mubarak Bala points out those teachings of Islam which he finds mistaken and incompatible with human rights, science, and critical thinking, says Leo Igwe.

Sahara Reporters


Albania has banned gay ‘conversion’ therapy for minors

Just weeks after Germany issued a nationwide ban on gay 'conversion' therapy for minors, Albania has followed suit and issued its own ban.

Gay Times


India: student’s suicide puts focus on dubious ‘conversion therapy’

The suicide of a woman who claimed that she had been taken to multiple de-addiction centres over three months against her will in an effort to cure her of her non-heterosexual orientation has drawn attention to 'conversion therapy' in India.

Hindustan Times


DeVos funnels coronavirus relief funds to favoured religious schools

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is using the $2 trillion coronavirus stabilization law to throw a lifeline to education sectors she has long championed, directing millions of federal dollars intended primarily for public schools and colleges to private and religious schools.

The New York Times


'The kind of evangelicals who support Trump are changing. And that could be a big problem'

Even the President's musings about injecting bleach to cure coronavirus can, it seems, be traced back to the prosperity-gospel televangelists he has pivoted toward, says Patrick Geddis.

The Independent


Young Tunisians eat in secret despite Ramadan and lockdown

A Facebook group for Tunisians seeking to circumvent social pressures and eat during the day has attracted some 12,000 members.

Mail Online


Latest from the NSS


Regulator opens inquiry into charity which has promoted extremism

The NSS has welcomed the Charity Commission's decision to open an inquiry into a charity over its funding for the channel Peace TV.


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