Just as this public health crisis began to emerge, the Trump administration took action to divert $3.8 billion from the National Guard to illegally fund the President’s wasteful border wall. 
Xavier is back in court, suing the administration for this latest illegal attempt to build the President’s vanity wall during this crisis. 
The last time Trump did this, he illegally diverted funds meant for schools and daycare centers for service member families. 
This time — he’s snatching money allocated for state National Guard units that keep our communities safe during moments of crisis.
We’re fighting for our families during this public health emergency while also defending the rule of law. Team, will you join Xavier in standing up to Trump’s illegal actions and misplaced priorities? 
Now is the moment to adhere to the laws we hold dear. 
Team Becerra

Attorney General Becerra continues to prioritize the health of our families and communities during this pandemic. He’s taking aggressive action to stop disgraceful price gougers, defend access to healthcare, protect immigrants, urge the Trump administration to do more to keep our families safe, and defend our housing, data, worker and reproductive rights during this public health emergency.


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