Hey John — I am finally catching up after the chaos of the last month and wanted to reach out to touch base.
I know the Presidential election results were extremely disappointing. Our whole team here at CADEM was absolutely gutted on Election Night, and I am sure you were too.
But as the vote counting continued into November, we got some glimmers of hope.
First, we flipped CA-27 with George Whitesides’ victory. Then Derek Tran flipped CA-45 . And finally, after every single vote was counted, Adam Gray flipped CA-13 by a mere 187 votes. In total, we got 4 out of 6 of our overall targeted seats.
Through this entire process, the California Democratic Party was on the ground, keeping our operations running to ensure every single eligible vote was counted. We contacted voters who needed to correct ballot errors or signature issues for their vote to count, and those efforts may have really made the difference.
For everyone who helped fund these “overtime” Election efforts, thank you so much. Your support was make-or-break in keeping our operations online, and as Finance Director, I could not be more appreciative.
Now, this month is our first public FEC Filing deadline since the election. We are hoping to refill our coffers from these efforts before that public deadline so that we have resources and project strength before Donald Trump is sworn in. Would you consider renewing your support today?
My personal ActBlue donation link is here: [link removed] [[link removed]]
Thank you again,
- Camille
Finance Director
California Democratic Party
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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States