Don’t let him win.


It hasn’t been hard to see what Mitch McConnell’s priorities are, but he just made it way easier by saying it out loud when asked why he’s in no rush to pass more Coronavirus relief: “We have not yet felt the urgency of acting immediately."



“Urgency?” This couldn’t be more urgent. Families are struggling right now. Unemployment is rising, and it’s not just the loss of wages hurting Americans: 27 million Americans have lost not only their jobs, but their access to health insurance. Small businesses are fighting for survival. It is clear we need to do more to help, and soon.

Mitch McConnell has opened his playbook for all to see. Instead of helping those who need it, it’s no secret that he’s focused solely on confirming more extreme judges and electing Senators who will rubber-stamp his agenda. That’s why he’s turned his attention on Doug, and why dark money groups have already spent millions attacking him.

Make no mistake: we can and will win Alabama in November and prove this isn’t a partisan battle – it’s about saving lives and saving livelihoods, and that’s an urgency Mitch McConnell doesn’t understand.

Your help now will help more than you know. It’s a fight we must win. Can you chip in and make sure we’ve got what it takes to win?

The contrast couldn’t be more clear. Doug’s hard at work trying to build consensus and actually get help to the people who need it most. Meanwhile, his opponents are tripping over themselves trying to come up with the most extreme positions possible. While Doug’s working for us, we need to have his back.

We know what would happen if Mitch McConnell had his way. It’s up to us to make sure that doesn’t happen. Pitch in today >>


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-Team Doug


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