Dear Friend,
The Biden administration’s failure to secure our borders has flooded the country with over 10 million illegal aliens and fueled one of the largest human trafficking operations in history.
What’s worse? They show no regret.
During a House Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee hearing this week, I questioned President Biden’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director about her role in this crisis.
Instead of admitting they could have done better, she said she was “proud” of their efforts.
USCIS is responsible for “vetting” alien sponsors, issuing documents to over 530,000 migrants who were allowed into the U.S. from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, and also paroling Afghans into the country – many of whom were not properly screened. These failures have led to fraudulent claims, national security risks, and crimes ranging from murders to child sexual assaults to violence against women.
It's truly despicable that she said she was “proud” of this.
Additionally, another area of my focus was ending a “birth tourism” loophole I highlighted before to Telegram readers in 2020. Under an Obama-era policy, Chinese nationals can visit the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands without a visa. Some of these women, potentially with ties to the Chinese Communist Party, go there to give birth, securing automatic U.S. citizenship for their children. Click here to watch my exchange with the Director.
Exploiting immigration laws should never be acceptable. However, loopholes like this and statements from Democrat governors who claim they will refuse to comply with federal deportation orders highlight the urgent need to tighten and enforce the law.
This week, I was shocked, but not surprised, by Governor Evers calling Tom Homan’s plan to punish local officials who don’t comply with immigration laws “stupid talk." Let’s be clear: Harboring illegal aliens is a felony, and our Governor should be cooperating with enforcement efforts designed to deport dangerous criminal illegal aliens, not obstructing them.
We’ve seen the consequences of allowing this criminal activity to thrive in our country. In Abbotsford, an illegal alien stabbed three people, killing two children. In Prairie du Chien, a Venezuelan gang member sexually assaulted a woman and abused a child, and in Rusk County, a father of three was killed by a drunk-driving illegal alien.
This has to stop. Regaining control of our border and deporting those who have violated our laws are critical to reversing the damage inflicted over the last four years.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Thank you for starting your weekend off with the Tiffany Telegram. We will be back next week with more.
Tom Tiffany Member of Congress
Click here or on the image above to watch me ask the USCIS Director if she regrets anything over the past four years.
Fake foreign “investments”
One of the most troubling features of the outgoing Biden administration has been their propensity to send your tax dollars overseas when Americans are hurting right here at home. This week alone, Secretary of State Antony Blinken proudly announced plans to ship nearly another $1 billion of your tax dollars to Ukraine. President Biden then one-upped him, bragging about giving away $40 billion to Africa – while pledging to increase that number to a staggering $55 billion before he leaves office next month. Mr. Biden described this unprecedented giveaway as an “investment” – but we all know American taxpayers won’t ever see a dime of “returns.” What’s worse, these “investments” are being made when Americans hit by natural disasters are still struggling – even as the White House has admitted that, “FEMA will not have enough funding to get through [this year].” You might be asking, why are we handing out money to foreign countries when we can’t take care of our own friends and neighbors? So am I. That’s why I’m working with some of my colleagues on legislation to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future. Stay tuned.
Apparently, some people are above the law
To no one’s surprise, this week President Biden walked back a promise he made to the American people months ago. After repeatedly saying that he would not, President Biden issued a pardon for his convicted criminal son, Hunter, claiming he was “selectively, and unfairly prosecuted.” Let me remind you that Hunter himself pled guilty to numerous charges – so claiming he was unfairly prosecuted is a weak excuse for a brazen abuse of power. And no, it wasn’t just a pardon for the crimes that he was already found guilty of earlier this year, it was a blanket pardon covering any crime that Hunter may have committed in the past almost 11 years, dating all the way back to the year he joined the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The American people deserve full transparency about the Biden family’s influence peddling – not sweetheart deals and pardons. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. In fact, there are now talks of “preemptive” pardons for other Biden allies, including Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney, Mark Milley, and Anthony Fauci. If these individuals haven’t committed any crime, then why does Joe Biden need to pardon them?
A win for small businesses
Small businesses are a source of new ideas and an engine for innovation. Unfortunately, however, excessive regulation and government interference can stifle creativity, discourage entrepreneurship, and, in many cases, lead to additional administrative burdens for many American entrepreneurs. Since taking office, the Biden administration has imposed an estimated $1.7 trillion in new regulatory costs. That is why, this week, I voted in favor the Prove It Act. This legislation passed out of the House on a bipartisan basis and empowers small businesses to challenge agency rules that fail to consider the direct and indirect costs of heavy-handed government red tape. This would give small businesses a long overdue seat at the table during the regulatory process. You can read more about this effort here.
Congratulating football state champions
Wisconsin’s Seventh District was well represented at this year’s state championships in both 11-player and 8-player football. Congratulations to the Owen-Withee Blackhawks on winning the program’s first-ever state title. Coach Terry Laube led the team on an undefeated season and then went on to be named the Green Bay Packers High School Coach of the Week. The Edgar Wildcats were able to secure the Division 7 state championship title for the second year in a row, and the Stratford Tigers won the Division 5 state championship for the third year in a row – setting a WIAA state record with their 10th state football title in school history. Each of these athletes practiced hard work and dedication all season long to be able to take home the trophy. I also want to wish Stratford’s head coach, Jason Tubbs, all the best in retirement after 13 seasons with the Tigers.
Click here or on the image above to watch me congratulate this year’s Seventh District state champions on the House floor.
Recent Legislation
Honoring a Necedah veteran
Last week, legislation I authored was signed into law by President Joe Biden. My bill honors the service and sacrifice of Sergeant Kenneth E. Murphy by renaming the United States Post Office in Necedah as the Sergeant Kenneth E. Murphy Post Office Building. Sergeant Murphy is a true American hero who displayed extraordinary bravery during the Vietnam War. Despite being wounded twice, including once in the head, he organized his men, led them in a fierce assault on the enemy, and enabled his men to break out of a trap, and overwhelm the insurgent force. Sergeant Murphy received a Purple Heart and the Distinguished Service Cross for his service and sacrifice. Born and raised in Necedah and still residing there today, renaming this Post Office in his honor ensures that his legacy is forever etched into our community. Thank you to my colleagues in the House and Senate, as well as President Biden, for making this renaming become a reality. Details about the renaming ceremony will be announced at a later date. You can read more about the bill here.
District Update
Photo of the week
I hope you enjoyed the past two weekends of gun deer season and wore blaze orange. We all remember our first deer, and Paige from Rothschild shot her first one this season. After hunting with her dad for 10 years, she bagged her first buck. Congratulations, Paige! If you have any Christmas or wildlife pictures you would like to share as a photo of the week, please submit them to [email protected] with your name and location.

“Chasing Whitetails” – Submitted by Paige’s grandmother Barbara in New Richmond
Vacation is meant to be relaxing, so don’t let renewing or applying for your passport stress you out. The current processing time is 4 to 6 weeks, so we recommend getting this done as soon as possible. For more information, click here.
Additionally, the Small Business Administration (SBA) announced that Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) are available in Wisconsin due to economic losses during the wet spring that occurred in April. Click here to see if you are eligible to apply. FEMA also announced that Fiscal Year 2024 Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) are available. For more information, click here.
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As always, you are welcome to visit my website or to contact my offices in Washington, DC or Wisconsin, which remain open for service, if you have any questions or need assistance.
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