Dear Friend,
As a parent, I know our kids are our number one priority. That’s why we have made historic investments to lower costs and improve learning outcomes from pre-K through college.
By expanding quality, affordable child care, we’re lowering costs for families and making sure every child has a solid foundation to build a bright future in Michigan.
Learn more below about your options to save money and set your child up for success!
 Gretchen Whitmer
 Expanding Free Pre-K
This year, I signed a budget that expanded access to free pre-K for Michigan four-year-olds, prioritizing those who need it most. This will save families $10,000 a year and help every child build a solid foundation for long-term academic success.
Preschool is a proven investment for the future of Michigan. Children who attend pre-K are more likely to be eager to learn, read by the third grade, and attend higher education. Free pre-K also gives families money to allocate to rent, transportation, and college savings and attracts employers seeking to expand or relocate to Michigan by giving parents more safe, affordable options for their kids.
A majority of Michigan’s 4-year-olds now qualify for free pre-K, based on household income, including many families who may think they wouldn’t.
To apply and find a pre-K classroom near you, visit MiFreePreschool.org.