Addiction, Mental Health Needs On the Rise Amid Pandemic
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Advocacy Update

Coming Together Amid and After the Pandemic

It’s good to be back with a new edition of the Advocacy Update—our first since the pandemic began—and an experimental new design. We’ve been focused on coronavirus-related priorities while Hazelden Betty Ford continues to help people throughout the United States overcome substance use and mental health disorders. Now that we’ve settled into some new routines, we are excited to resume regular updates on policy, news and issues related to our organization’s mission, which is shared by so many of you. Recovery advocates are always most effective together, so it is nice to connect in this way again. We hope you have stayed healthy and well in the meantime. Our hearts are with all those who have lost loved ones to COVID-19.

This week’s Update includes a big win in Congress, our request with others for federal crisis funding, the impact of the pandemic on mental health and substance use, and much more. Thank you in advance for reading. As always, please let us know what you think. Send us a note anytime, and have a great week!

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Jeremiah Gardner Jeremiah Gardner
Director, Communications and Public Affairs
[email protected]


Industry Reform  |   Fighting Addiction Stigma  |   Opioid Epidemic  |   Access to Treatment  |   Marijuana Education  |   Criminal Justice Reform  |   Alcohol Prevention

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Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
15251 Pleasant Valley Rd.
PO Box 11 RW19
Center City, MN 55012-0011