Hi John,

You stopped politicians from taking a pension they don’t deserve. 

The government tried to delay the next election by one week. That would have secured taxpayer-funded pensions for dozens of extra politicians. Those pensions would cost taxpayers like you up to $120 million. 

Politicians hoped you wouldn’t notice their pension grab. But you noticed and took action.

Thousands of Canadian Taxpayers Federation supporters emailed the Minister of Democratic Institutions and emailed all MPs on the committee studying the elections bill. 

And because CTF supporters like you acted, committee MPs from all parties just said they will vote AGAINST delaying the next scheduled election. The committee vote hasn’t happened yet, so we’ll keep a close eye on this. 

But you’re making real progress. Because of your action, committee MPs committed to stopping the government from handing out millions of your tax dollars in pensions to politicians who don’t deserve them. 

We wanted to say THANK YOU for taking action and saving taxpayers millions of dollars. 

There’s one more thing you can do today to save taxpayers money. And it will take you less than one minute.

For this government, or the next one, to balance the budget and cut your taxes, it must cut the size and cost of the federal bureaucracy. And politicians will need to show leadership on their own pay.

But every year, MPs have taken pay raises. A backbench MP’s salary is now $203,100. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s salary is $406,200. Their pay raises since the beginning of 2020 range between an extra $24,200 and $48,400. 

You can join the army of taxpayers demanding an end to the huge pay and perks for politicians and bureaucrats by signing the PETITION below.

Will you sign the petition?

It’s not fair to ask struggling Canadians to pay higher taxes so politicians can give themselves pay raises.

We, the undersigned, call on all MPs to stop giving themselves raises.

Note: If the automatic link doesn’t work on your device, you can also sign the petition at this link: https://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/mps-need-to-cut-their-own-pay 

Thank you for fighting for taxpayers – you’re making a difference!

All the best, 

Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director – Canadian Taxpayers Federation
P.S.: It only takes a minute to show politicians you don’t support their huge taxpayer-funded salaries and perks: https://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/mps-need-to-cut-their-own-pay