Luke Johnson, one of Britain's best known entrepreneurs, sounds a lot like Bezos in his succinct statement on what Britain needs to do to fix its economy.
Testifying to Parliament against a new Labour government bill to dramatically expand government intervention in labor markets, he succinctly diagnosed the problems tearing Britain and tore the idea apart:
"If you crush the private sector you crush jobs. All the research shows that the single most important ingredient for a happy society are jobs. Without jobs you don't have civilization."
Labour's bill would dramatically boost trade union power and by its own admission, would cost the economy up to $6.5 billion a year.
"Some of my companies may not survive next year," Johnson warned. As for smaller companies he warned they also could under: "The idea that companies that can barely afford any form of HR could stomach a big new bill of 150 pages in 28 measures - they won't even have time to read it,"
Labour remains committed to its anti-jobs crusade, but the public appears to be noticing. Prime Minister Keir Starmer's approval rating is down to 22%, and the NowCast group (tracks the popularity of political parties) finds that Labour would now lose power if there were another election.