PFAW Member, A new CNN poll has Donald Trump losing to Joe Biden in the popular vote nationally but WINNING among voters in the 15 closest battleground states! Whether we like it or not, the next president will be decided by the Electoral College and we NEED to win back the traditionally blue and purple states that Trump took in 2016. But VOTER SUPPRESSION COULD BE A MAJOR BARRIER to winning in these states thanks to their Republican-held state legislatures! At least SEVEN of 2020’s top presidential battleground states have both chambers of their state legislatures controlled by Republicans – including the “big three” of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin! Those three states, along with North Carolina, have Democratic governors – elected in the last big election in which Democrats dominated across the country. But thanks to right-wing gerrymandering, Republicans maintained control of the legislatures and are now using their power to squash efforts to expand Vote By Mail in response to the coronavirus, and are pushing to deny voters access to their ballots in multiple other ways. PFAW is fighting back with programs to educate voters on the importance of vote by mail – and how to do it in their states. We’re fighting on Capitol Hill for billions in funding from Congress to secure the 2020 election and make sure voters are able to cast ballots that count. And we are fighting every effort by the Right Wing to create chaos around the 2020 election and deny citizens their right to vote. But there is no way we’ll be successful without the ongoing support of our members, and we need another 1,988 online donations from PFAW members before the weekend to keep pace with this month’s budget. Will you renew today with a donation to protect the vote and defeat Trump and his GOP enablers? Here’s why your support is so urgently needed…
Because the policy response to the coronavirus pandemic varies so drastically from state to state, state lawmakers are playing a central role in how well we get through the crisis, how the public’s health is protected, what the long-term economic fallout will be, and how our democracy will function in this year’s election. In fact, decisions made now about ending stay-at-home orders and re-opening businesses too soon could prolong the worst of the pandemic in many states and create an even larger crisis for our elections! This crisis has not only highlighted the egregious failure of leadership at the very top by Trump and his GOP allies in Congress, it’s made the task of unseating Trump Republican state and local officials even more urgent. The impact of this pandemic will last well beyond the coming election and we need real leadership, by elected officials who believe in and follow science and put the good of the country and their constituents ahead of petty partisan power grabs. Republicans AT EVERY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT are failing that test. And with the next round of redistricting coming up following this year’s census, we can not afford to have Republicans in control in key states ready to gerrymander their states’ voting maps for the next ten years and cement their grip on power even against the will of the voters. The time to fight is now. Trump is outspending us everywhere and if we can’t get our message in front of voters early and often, it will be too late. Thank you for your amazing support and for everything you do. -- Ben, Sarah, Kristen, Charlie, Zach, and the whole team at PFAW