
Republicans like my opponent, Cory Gardner, are part of the problem in Washington — dragging his feet on common-sense reforms and putting corporate interests ahead of Americans.

Even as this pandemic continues to affect every aspect of our society, the Republican-controlled Senate refuses to expand national vote by mail.

That’s not true, and it’s just outrageous. No one should have to choose between their health and their Constitutional right to vote.

Why? Because they’re playing political games instead of strengthening our democracy. Trump even falsely said that if we had vote by mail, “you’d never have a Republican elected in the country again.”

I signed universal vote by mail into law in Colorado seven years ago, and we’ve proven it works — for Democrats, Republicans, and everyone else. If you think it’s time we make Washington a little more like Colorado, sign my urgent petition now:

Demand Congress use Colorado as a model and expand national vote by mail so every American has the right to vote safely in the 2020 elections.


We’re running out of time before people have to make the impossible choice of protecting their safety by sitting out of the most important election of our lifetimes or risking their lives to head to the polls.

No one should have to make that choice. It’s time we stiffen our backbones, raise our voices, and demand change.

Thank you,
