Late Friday night, President Trump fired the State Department’s Inspector General. The IG is an independent watchdog tasked with holding the federal agency accountable.
So naturally, Donald Trump wanted him as far away from his administration as possible. What’s even more appalling and dangerous -- this is the fourth IG Trump has fired in the past three months. Yes, you heard me correctly. Four IGs terminated in three months.
According to new reports from NBC News, the State Department Inspector General, Steve Linick, was investigating “allegations that a staffer for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was performing domestic errands and chores such as handling dry cleaning, walking the family dog and making restaurant reservations.”
More sinister is that the Inspector General was reportedly looking into Pompeo’s decision to “green-light billions of dollars of arms sales to Saudi Arabia against the will of Congress” late last year.
The American people deserve the truth, and we need to get to the bottom of this.
If you agree, add your name to our petition telling Democrats in Congress to pick up where the Inspector General’s investigation left off. We have to hold the Trump administration accountable >>
Donald Trump thinks the law doesn’t apply to him or his cronies.
That’s why he’s fired whistleblowers and watchdogs across the federal government. The State Department’s Inspector General is just the latest. In the past three months, Trump has terminated IGs in Health & Human Services, and in the Defense and Intelligence departments.
Democrats in Congress need to stand strong and exercise their constitutional authority to check the executive branch. We need to know exactly why Inspector General Linick was fired, and what Pompeo is covering up.
Tell Democrats in Congress to get to the truth and continue the Inspector General’s investigation. We need a strong show of grassroots support to demonstrate the public is behind them >>
Thanks for raising your voice on this today. DFA members have led the fight to check the Trump administration from day one, and we’ll continue to do so every day.
— Yvette
Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America