December 5, 2024
Permission to republish original opeds and cartoons granted.
Time To Dump Europe

Events over the past months have exposed a very stark divide between the globalist, collectivist, “woke” authorities of Europe and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) patriot movement here in the United States. To be frank, it is almost as if the snide, effete elitists who control the nations of the European continent want to rub our noses in their horror show. Let’s be frank. Europe would be a total basket case without American taxpayers, American troops, and American subservience to their ever more bizarre “culture.” Since Woodrow Wilson first fell for the globalist-line that somehow “the better people” could build a world government free of popular input, the citizens of the United States have been played as fools. Churchill’s constant pushing and cajoling led to the so-called “special relationship” that has come to mean Uncle Sucker picks up the tab, does the dirty work and then allows others to make decisions. A cold-eyed review shows that Europe has near-zero natural resources that America needs. On the other hand, Latin America and Africa are rich in them, they just need to be developed. China has proven to be a less than reliable partner for these nations. We should make the advance. Europe supplies next to nothing in a military sense. Yes, we have great bases in Italy and Germany. But we only need them to defend Europe. What do you think? |
Peter Navarro Is The Right Man For the Job On Trade And Manufacturing

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning: “Peter Navarro has a clear vision of President Donald Trump’s trade and manufacturing America First policies, and is best suited to continue advising him on these critical economic issues. Navarro’s leadership in the first Trump White House was essential to the dismantling of NAFTA and its subsequent replacement USMCA that emphasized American manufacturing and putting Americans workers first. President Trump’s success in empowering all American workers was instrumental in his victory in November, and Peter Navarro is exactly the right person to keep the America First promise to the tens of millions of Americans who put their faith in Donald Trump to restore our nation’s economic sovereignty.” |
Time To Dump Europe

By Bill Wilson
Events over the past months have exposed a very stark divide between the globalist, collectivist, “woke” authorities of Europe and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) patriot movement here in the United States. To be frank, it is almost as if the snide, effete elitists who control the nations of the European continent want to rub our noses in their horror show.
Let’s be frank. Europe would be a total basket case without American taxpayers, American troops, and American subservience to their ever more bizarre “culture.” Since Woodrow Wilson first fell for the globalist-line that somehow “the better people” could build a world government free of popular input, the citizens of the United States have been played as fools. Churchill’s constant pushing and cajoling led to the so-called “special relationship” that has come to mean Uncle Sucker picks up the tab, does the dirty work and then allows others to make decisions.
And today, the outdated, “ticking time bomb without a mission” called NATO has become an anchor around the necks of the American people that can only draw us into a war that serves the territorial interests of European elites, not that of the United States.
All of this was made clear when a recent article by Giovanna De Maio and Célia Belin in the publication, Foreign Affairs, appeared entitled Europe’s America Problem. To set the record straight, the magazine is owned and operated by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). CFR has been the leading voice for globalist ambitions since its founding in 1921. It is the voice of the very people the MAGA movement has identified as those working to destroy American sovereignty and submerge us into a swamp.
Europe as advanced by the globalists at CRF, NATO, the Atlantic Council and the European Union (EU) is unalterably opposed to the core principles of the United States. Even a cursory review shows them to outright enemies of liberty.
- The suppression of free speech is now rampant. People in Britain are being jailed for prayer, at least Christian prayer. The government of Germany is moving to outlaw the second largest party in the country in order to eliminate competition, exactly as the Nazis and the Communists did in the not so distant past.
- The EU is claiming the right to prosecute citizens outside their nations — the United States or any other non-European country — if that individual publishes something the thought police in Brussels oppose. National laws and sovereignty mean nothing to them.
- We are admonished that steps to defend and protect the U.S. economy will be regarded as hostile and that efforts at retaliation will be considered.
- As evidence mounts that the so-called “climate crisis” is at best not true — and more likely will eventually be exposed as a total fraud — Europe is demanding that the United States continue to surrender all its advantages to “international cooperation.” What this means is that the United States refrains from developing the massive energy resources that would give our manufacturing and development a clear advantage so that energy-starved Europe can “compete.” The Foreign Affairs article is blunt — “Europe will need to define its collective interests in the transatlantic partnership, deciding what it wants to protect and what it expects from the United States.” [emphasis added]
“What it expects” from the United States? To paraphrase one of their prominent green-freaks, “How dare they?”
- Why are we spending hundreds of billions of dollars we do not have to defend the borders of Ukraine when we should be defending our own borders? Why? Because Europe couldn’t last a week in combat and demand that we continue to defend them like we have for nearly 80 years. Why should we be afraid of Russia?
From the end of World War II the entire game for the Europeans has been to soak America. Get us to pay for their defense. Get us to subsidize their economies. Get us to incur the wrath of newly formed nations of Africa, Asia and the Middle East — have them direct their righteous rage at us instead of the Imperial masters who continue to this day to loot the former colonies.
The entire model was stated clearly by the first Secretary-General of NATO in 1952 when Lord Hastings “Pug” Ismay (1887-1965), outlined the entity’s strategic objectives with his famous tripartite formula: “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” No better description of British foreign policy has ever been written for the past 100 years.
A cold-eyed review shows that Europe has near-zero natural resources that America needs. On the other hand, Latin America and Africa are rich in them, they just need to be developed. China has proven to be a less than reliable partner for these nations. We should make the advance.
Europe supplies next to nothing in a military sense. Yes, we have great bases in Italy and Germany. But we only need them to defend Europe. If we could walk away from billions in weapons and a state-of-the-art air base in Afghanistan, why not do it in Europe? Just hand those bases over and let the Europeans fight over them.
Politically, who really cares if we get “their votes” at the United Nations or any of the other globalist’ strait jackets. Better to tell those entities to fend for themselves, make our annual blackmail payments contingent on not making us angry, and at the first appropriate moment walk away entirely.
On the “net zero” suicide pact, they need to be told to forget it. The U.S. is going to drill and refine all we can as nuclear plants are built. What they do is up to them but finding sources of energy should be their top priority. Winters can get very cold in much of Europe.
Finally, the perverse culture that has infected us from Europe needs to be returned to sender. The “critical theory” treason of Michel Foucault and his cohorts in academia need to be excised like a tumor. We need nothing of their totalitarian poison. The dedication to family and community so valued in Africa and Latin America are far more vital to the U.S. than anything from the smut-dens of Berlin or Paris.
It is time for renewal in America, a restoration of our values and principles of self-reliance and independence. All we can get from Europe is a drain on our resources and resolve. The rest of the world wants our leadership — not through force of arms as latter-day colonial powers but from a commitment to enduring principles of liberty, a liberty not found anywhere in Europe today. It is time to move on and dump Europe. They are leeches sucking America dry. Time to cut them off.
Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government.
Video: Mike Benz Lays Out To Joe Rogan The U.S.-European Censorship Regime That Began In 2014

To view online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrJhQpvlkLA

Peter Navarro Is The Right Man For the Job On Trade And Manufacturing
Dec. 4, 2024, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising President Donald Trump’s selection of Peter Navarro as Senior Counselor for Trade and Manufacturing:
“Peter Navarro has a clear vision of President Donald Trump’s trade and manufacturing America First policies, and is best suited to continue advising him on these critical economic issues. Navarro’s leadership in the first Trump White House was essential to the dismantling of NAFTA and its subsequent replacement USMCA that emphasized American manufacturing and putting Americans workers first. President Trump’s success in empowering all American workers was instrumental in his victory in November, and Peter Navarro is exactly the right person to keep the America First promise to the tens of millions of Americans who put their faith in Donald Trump to restore our nation’s economic sovereignty.”
To view online: https://getliberty.org/2024/12/peter-navarro-is-the-right-man-for-the-job-on-trade-and-manufacturing/