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Andy Zee and Coco Das of on the Increasing Danger to Humanity of the Trump/Pence Regime,
the Terror Carried Out Against Immigrants and Others,
and Why the People Must Drive Out the Regime

August 14 Video, NBC News
A Solidarity Statement from Refuse Fascism:
Stand with the Rhode Island Never Again Action and other Immigrants Rights Protesters!
Stand with Immigrants!
We Demand: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
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Refuse Fascism is horrified and angered by an attack on brave resisters from Never Again Action in Central Falls, Rhode Island.
On Wednesday night, hundreds of protesters were doing what millions should be doing, raising their voices and putting their bodies on the line to fiercely oppose the terror of immigrants happening in our name. The demonization of immigrants, their concentration camps on the border, and the mass killings by fascist murderers inspired by this regime is the battering ram and linchpin of a whole fascist program that is being hammered into place, piece by piece by the Trump/Pence regime.
We say Basta Ya!/Enough! This whole regime must be driven from office, and only the power of the people acting together in nonviolent sustained mass protest to demand that the Trump/Pence regime must go!” can stop their whole immoral, illegitimate and murderous program.
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The Never Again Action protesters were sitting across the entrance of the parking lot of the Donald W. Wyatt ICE Detention Facility. A video shows a black truck plowing into them, clearly aiming to injure or kill them. The driver of the truck was a corrections officer wearing his badge and uniform. The protesters stood their ground, surrounding the truck with chants of “Shame!” and “The whole world is watching!” They were right, posing a challenge to everyone to set aside their fears and act on their conscience as children are being tortured inside this regime’s concentration camps. Seconds later, uniformed guards came out and pepper sprayed the protesters, ignoring the driver who had committed the assault.
The Rhode Island protesters issued a statement saying, “Last night we experienced a small example of the violence that ICE uses against our immigrant neighbors every day. As Jews, our families taught us the lessons of the Holocaust, and we promised that we would speak out and act if we ever saw the warning signs of a group of people being targeted, dehumanized, and rounded up.”
Federal and state laws to outlaw dissent, vindictive prosecutions, and organized and unleashed fascist thugs with a green light from the highest offices are all part of how fascism comes to envelope a whole society. Donald Trump himself said he longed for the days when protesters would be carried out on stretchers. In several states, including Rhode Island, bills have been introduced in state legislatures to protect drivers who cause injury or death to protesters.
Refuse Fascism maintains that the Trump/Pence regime must be driven from power through the actions of the people. We are organizing, and seeking to unite with people from many different points of view and struggles, for the time – which needs to come soon – when first thousands will take to the streets in protest in cities and towns across the country, not stopping but growing in numbers and coming back week after week and day after day demanding the regime be removed from power. We need to learn from Hong Kong, South Korea and Puerto Rico.
If we want to close the camps, end family separation, and fight against every sick program of this American fascism, it is a necessary precondition that the Trump/Pence regime be driven from power at the soonest possible time. Just as the people of Puerto Rico did not wait to drive out their hated governor, we must not wait to drive out a regime that poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet.
Therefore, we call on every force for social justice and everyone with a heart to stand with and support the Central Falls protesters, and oppose every assault on those who are waging determined protest against this regime. national team
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