New START and U.S. National Security
As part of our ongoing campaign to build support for a five-year extension of the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), the Arms Control Association hosted a virtual policy briefing on April 29 featuring top former U.S. administration officials that drew more than 250 attendees.
New START is the last remaining arms control agreement between the United States and Russia. It is due to expire in February 2021. U.S. officials, including President Trump’s newly appointed special envoy, Marshall Billinsglea, have criticized New START and argue that it should not be extended unless China gets involved in nuclear arms control talks.
As we have shown, the vast majority of U.S. national security experts, former negotiators, Republican and Democratic members of Congress, U.S. allies, and U.S. military leaders don’t believe there is time for a new agreement and emphasize that a five-year extension of New START is critical to U.S. and international security.
“Put me down in the column of extension, and the reason for that is the clock is running,” said Admiral (ret.) Michael Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Our other briefers, Rose Gottemoeller, the lead U.S. negotiator for the treaty, and Lt. Gen. (ret.) Frank Klotz, the former administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, joined Mullen in calling for an extension.
Gottemoeller argued that extending New START “would be an act of global leadership, reassuring our publics as they grapple with sickness and uncertainty.”
You can see the entire video briefing by clicking above or on our official YouTube channel. Responses to questions from participants can be found here.
On May 6, Arms Control Association board member Laura Kennedy, former Ambassador to the Conference on Disarmament, spoke on a webinar organized by the National Committee on American Foreign Policy regarding the need for the Trump administration to extend New START with Russia.
We invite you to do your part to encourage New START extension. Please visit our “Take Action” page and write to your members of Congress.