Mises Institute
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Want to Cut Federal Workers? Just Cut Spending.
Ryan McMaken
These days, most federally-funded workers are “private” contract and grant workers. These jobs will quickly disappear if we’re serious about spending cuts.
Another Merit of Medieval Bolognese Canons
Claudio Restani
The Austrian School of economics traces its roots to the School of Salamanca in medieval times. The scholastics of Salamanca, in turn, were influenced by the canon jurists from the University of Bologna, demonstrating the rich and historic roots of Austrian economics.
Slavery and Collective Guilt
Modern progressives are obsessed with collective guilt, demanding that Americans pay reparations for slavery.
Wage Earners and Employers
Ludwig von Mises in 1962: the affluence of the rich in a capitalistic economy is not at the expense of the poor.
Hartung: Can Trump Still Be a Peace President?
What will a Trump presidency mean for the movements for peace and social justice?
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The Biggest Mistake America Has Ever Made
The biggest mistake America has ever made since the nation’s founding was the conversion to a national-security state.
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Some Depositors Are More Equal than Others
It turns out that bank bailouts are not as equal as the state would like us to believe.
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The Future of Money: Political or Private?
This rise of private money is a direct result of concerns about the Federal Reserve.
A Century of War: Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt
The twentieth century was the bloodiest in all history. More than 170 million people were killed by government, with 10 million having been killed in World War I and 50 million killed in World War II. Of the 50 million killed in World War II, nearly 70 percent were innocent civilians.
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