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Will you help reindeer in captivity today?

Dear John,

We are now halfway through our matched funding challenge and we have hit the 30% mark - but will you help us unlock 100%?

For this challenge, every donation we receive through The Big Give appeal page will be doubled! This means double the funds and double the impact for animals!

This is Star

Star is forced into this small trailer each festive season and made to travel far and wide to events, like street parades and Santa’s grottos.

The only way this will end is if people like you make a stand against this cruelty. 
So please, if you can, follow the link below to see our appeal page and send your Christmas gift today:

I first met Star at Waltham Abbey Christmas Market last year; she looked so frightened as hands grabbed at her through the metal bars that she was trapped behind.

Sadly, what I witnessed is not unique. I have seen first-hand the environments that animals are subjected to at festive events. They are shocking. 

That is why I am writing to you today. Will you support our ‘End Animal Exploitation at Christmas’ campaign with a Christmas donation?
Plus, all donations could be DOUBLED!
I also wanted to let you know some amazing victory news!

Hundreds of you have taken action TWICE against plans for a new reindeer farm in Wrexham and I am so pleased to tell you that you won! The council have refused planning permission for the second time, so the appeal was denied.

This is only because of you, whether you wrote to the council, donated towards the campaign or helped via social media, I want to say a massive THANK YOU for reindeer!

So please, don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to help more animals in captivity. Use this link to have your gift matched:

Please, help reindeer just like Star. They need our help now, there is no one else! Thank you. 

Yours for the animals,

Rick Smith*
Investigator, Freedom for Animals
*name changed to protect identity 

P.S. Reindeer are suffering right now. But you can help them today by sending a gift of £10 or more during the challenge. Together we can make a difference!

Plus, what an amazing victory for reindeer! Thanks to you there will be no reindeer farm in Wrexham!

Funds raised from this appeal will support our campaign to end the use of animals like reindeer in mobile zoos and other forms of captivity. Thank you.

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