From Tom Trento <[email protected]>
Date December 5, 2024 5:30 PM
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2025 WILL


Islamic doctrine, centered in the teachings of Mohammad,

divides the world into two “Houses,"

the House of Islam and the House of War.

According to the Prophet Mohammad every human is either in the House of Islam (as a believer or in submission to Islamic rule) or you are in the House of War, not a believer and not in submission to Islam.

According to Mohammad and Islamic doctrinal teaching, if you are NOT in the House of Islam, then necessarily, you are an enemy of Islam, in the House of War.

If you are in the House of War, like Israel, Europe and America, you are a legitimate
target of JIHAD.

The 1400 years of Global, Islamic jihad conquests, the last year of Islamic jihad in Israel and the current Islamic jihad of Sunni Muslims killing Shia Muslims in Syria, factually illustrate the doctrinal teachings of the Prophet Mohammad.

At this point, the Islamic buffoons who try to deny or twist what Mohammad teaches, usually start calling me or others who actually understand Mohammad’s teachings, either the nonsensical term, Islamophobe, or just straight out, white racists even though many non-white people believe exactly as Mohammad teaches.

So, what does all this mean?

It means, BUCKLE UP, as the Muslim jihadi’s believe that 2025 is a perfect opportunity to extend, expand and accelerate Muslim jihad, in Israel, in the greater Middle-East and primarily here in America.

Three main reasons why America Muslim Jihadis
believe that 2025 is a year of opportunity?




Each of these men understand and respect Muslims who simply want to live their lives, raise their families and NOT violate the Laws of Israel or America. These Muslims reject the jihad teachings of Islam and Mohammad and often find themselves in the crosshairs of the “true believer” Muslims.

So can a Muslim reject the fundamental teachings of Mohammad on the doctrine of jihad, that is, war against the non-Muslims?

Of course, they have the free will to reject those fundamental doctrines but they are not living in the model of their Prophet Mohammad or accepting the settled teaching of doctrinal Islam. From an Islamic doctrinal perspective, these are “bad Muslims.”

From an America, Constitutional perspective, these are "good Muslims.”

Understand, if an American, even someone with several advanced degrees from great schools, teaches that jihad (war against non-Muslims) is NOT a part of “True,” Islam, that “educator,” has elevated himself above Mohammad, above Islamic scholarship and even above the President of Turkey, Recep Erdogan, who has stated on many occasions, that there can never be a bifurcation of Islam into the political part, the social part, the military party or any other parts, concluding with the full-stop demand,
“Islam is Islam is Islam!”

Erdogan believes, as does Mohammad and historic Islamic scholarship, that Islam is a unified, comprehensive system, superior to all other religions, totalitarian, no debating Mohammad’s teachings and encompasses every aspect of a Muslim’s life.

It is this same Erdogan who on September 7, 2024, called for an Islamic alliance ([link removed]) against Israel, to ultimately destroy their capability to resist and defeat Muslim jihad. It is this same Erdogan who believes that Allah wants him to be the next Caliph (King) of all Sunni Islam.

Do you see why I say, 2025 will be a year of Muslims worldwide confronting primarily Jews and Christians?

When the President of a NATO nation essentially calls for the destruction of Israel, America’s number one national security partner, you can take it to the bank that Sunni Islam reads this development as the will of Allah and increased confrontation with the House of War (non-Muslims) is imminent.

What will this increased confrontation with Mohammad’s jihad look like?

Observant Muslims hate Netanyahu

HAMAS will transition to an on-going jihad insurgency in Gaza, thereby making any hope impossible, of a “Singapore,” model of safety, security, economic advancement, arts, entertainment and generally, a normal life people worldwide desire. To HAMAS, following Mohammad, those elements of Western life mean nothing when mothers raise their son’s to be martyrs, to die fighting Israel in the blessed jihad.

HAMAS will become more active in Judea - Samaria (West Bank) with the same on-going jihad insurgency.

Arab-Israelis, citizens of Israel will participate in this disruptive insurgency jihad.

Hezbollah in Lebanon will also transition to a disruptive insurgency jihad, initially buying time to rebuild,
re-arm and plan attacks against Israel and Jews worldwide.

Iran will continue to work closely with all it’s proxies to destroy Israel.

As you read what I’m writing, you ask, “what the hell is with these people, why don’t they get a life and become like normal people?”

I remind you, The House of Islam AGAINST The House of War.

For Muslims who truly believe and truly want to follow Mohammad a state of constant war IS the purpose to life and the pathway to Paradise, Muslim heaven.

Observant Muslims HATE President Trump.

An observant Sunni Muslim is one who observes or follows the pure teachings of Mohammad and the codified teachings of Islamic scholars, thus that Muslim sees jihad against the House of War, as a MANDATED COMMAND to defeat Jews and Christians, whether the jihad takes a stealth form, infiltrating the institutions of America and causing destruction from within (like is happening in Europe) or whether the jihad means taking over college campuses and striking fear into the hearts of Jewish students or whether the jihad requires strapping on 20 pounds of C-4 and jumping on a subway.

For the true believer the application and elevation of jihad tactics are determined in real time.

In 2013, a study asked Muslims in America if they would use “extreme violence" (suicide bombs) in order to advance Islam in America. Then a follow up question asked how many would support a Muslim using “extreme violence?”

The number of Muslims supporting “extreme violence” in Florida was close to 12,000, about 10% of the total Muslim population in Florida.

Thank God, 90% of Muslims do not follow Islamic doctrinal jihad teaching, but Florida was a launching pad for many of the 9/11 observant Muslims who changed the world, for the worse.

Clearly, some of these 12,000 supporters of “extreme violence” will be furthered motivated to jihad by President Trump and his Pro-Israel policies.

Observant Muslims HATE Tom Homan
Observant, jihad-believing Muslims hate closed borders and the sovereignty of a country. How can a country be sovereign when that country (America) is part of the House of War?

Add to that fundamental Islamic view the fact that people in America illegally, many of whom are either Muslim or Muslim supporting, will be deported by America’s Border Czar, Tom Homan.

Moreover, the Marxist movement in the Democrat party and every Marxist organization in America (and there are many) all have joined with their Muslim jihad "brother's and sisters" to fight against, guess who, Netanyahu, Trump & Homan.

The House of Islam AGAINST The House of War…in real time.

The imminent anti-American, anti-Israel multileveled political, cultural and physical attacks against Jews and Christians will increase on January 20, 2025, Inauguration Day, where the media-framed, "Adolph Trump,” takes control of the Islamic, House of War.

So, what can good Americans do to fight back?
1. FOLLOW THE UNITED WEST - we will be in the middle of the action from the border of Gaza in Israel to Times Square in New York, to the campus protests, to the borders of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas and of course, the 1300 miles of Florida’s coastal borders. Help us expose the jihad and Marxist agitation in America. Help us work with the cops!

2. SUPPORT THE COPS - it is essential that we DO NOT take law enforcement matters into our own hands as that is the desire of China, Iran and Russia, to create a civil war in our Homeland. America has unmatchable law enforcement at all levels in all states. Let the cops, local, state and federal, physically confront the bad guys. In those shithole cities where political leaders are boasting about NOT working with the cops, let that play out as the good citizens of those cities (like Chicago) will come together to throw the idiot politicians out of office.

3. END OF THE YEAR DONATION - Help us use our 17 years of team experience fighting the jihad and Marxists to help all Americans stay safe and enjoy the freedoms so wonderfully offered by the best country in the world!
We appreciate any donation support you can provide.
The United West, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

All donations are tax-deductible.

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