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For the second week running, at Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) on Wednesday, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer claimed that the Conservative party leader Kemi Badenoch had said that she wouldn’t reverse the increase in National Insurance.
Speaking at last month’s CBI conference, Ms Badenoch didn’t appear to say definitively whether she would or would not reverse the increase. She did say “one of the first things that we’re going to be doing when we start our policy platform” is “look again” at the increase.
The Prime Minister has detailed a series of commitments—or “milestones”—in a major speech today unveiling the government’s new “Plan for Change”.
We’re already monitoring the government’s progress towards commitments made in its manifesto in our Government Tracker, which we launched last month. We will be updating this to reflect today’s announcements.
In posts on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook, Sir Keir Starmer claimed that “South Western Railway is now back in public control”.
But this hasn’t happened yet, so Mr Starmer’s claim wasn’t quite correct. As Mr Starmer accurately suggested later at PMQs, South Western Railway will not pass into public ownership until May 2025, when the extension of its national rail contract expires.