Hello John --
Our organizing this week will be centered on two initiativess:
1) Maximum circulation and outreach with the new condensed Schiller
Institute Petition, Coronavirus
Petition: For Global Health Infrastructure, and accompanying
9-minute video by Jason Ross:
The Economics of Defeating the Coronavirus. As an example, ten
media platforms in China, led by CGTN, have translated the part of
Jason's video going after Pompeo and the British Empire's Niall
Ferguson, reaching tens of millions of Chinese.
2) Build maximum participation in our upcoming Saturday Memorial
Day Weekend "double header" of major further video conferences. In the
morning, the Third International Youth Summit with Helga
Zepp-LaRouche; in the afternoon, the presentation of the new Action
Plan: "LaRouche's Program to Re-open the U.S. Economy: Create 1.5
Billion Productive Jobs Worldwide!" (working title).
The dramatic threats emerging from "the two pandemics" - Covid-19
and famine - for vast swaths of humanity in Africa, and in significant
degree in almost all parts of the globe, demand breakthroughs sparked
by these initiatives. Be sure to watch the shocking material presented
by Diane Sare and Daniel Burke in the May 16 National Town Hall, The
World Needs 1.5 Billion New Productive Jobs!
Harley Schlanger extended his Daily Video Briefing this morning to
roughly 17 minutes, to adequately define the British-centered enemy's
deployments to prevent the LaRouche program from guiding the U.S.
Presidency under Trump: Decouple
from Britain, Not China: Why the Never-Trump War Party is Pushing
Confrontation w/ China. Especially useful to get to people in the
Trump base being bamboozled by the British propaganda manipulations
into de facto facilitating the objectives of the coup.
Join us for tonight's discussion.
LaRouchePAC Monday Activist Call
712-770-5505, access code 536662#.
number 425-535-9113
• 9:00 pm EDT (6:00 pm