Starts May 28th

As COVID-19 forces organizations to increase their focus on digital organizing and outreach, now is the time to get hands-on coaching to do it right. That’s why our partner New Media Mentors is launching Digital Academy Webinar: Digital Best Practices During COVID and Beyond on May 28.

Over the course of three one-hour long live webinars, you’ll get a solid foundation in best practices for using email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and websites for digital mobilization and communication.

You’ll also get three 50-minute private coaching sessions to learn how to apply best practices to your own work. Organizing, communications and fundraising staff will all benefit from the topics we’ll cover.

Here’s the schedule for the webinars:

  • Thursday 5/28/2020 1pm ET: Email Best Practices, A/B Testing and List Building

  • Thursday 6/4/2020 1pm ET: Social Media Best Practices

  • Thursday 6/11/2020 1pm ET: Online Ads, Basic SEO and Cross-Channel Campaign Planning

Can't join us live? You can view a recording of each webinar on your own time.

Registration is limited to make sure we have time to coach each participant, so register today!

Joining as co-coach is Will Easton, who leads fundraising and email strategy at the Mozilla Foundation and is the volunteer coordinator and a frequent trainer for Netroots Nation.

This training is funded by ticket sales—the subsidized cost to small organizations is $600, larger organizations pay $750 and group rates are available for teams. I’m happy to talk with you to see if this is the right fit; just email me at [email protected].

See you online!

Elana Levin

Netroots Nation/New Media Mentors

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