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Thank you for joining the fight to uphold press freedom worldwide.
Donating on #GivingTuesday truly makes a difference in the lives of journalists who courageously report from some of the most challenging press freedom environments, ensuring that truth reaches us all. It serves as a powerful reminder that press freedom is fundamental to our own freedom.
Access to timely and factual reporting is crucial for informed decision-making and safeguarding our rights. Journalists play a vital role in this process, often risking their safety to bring us the stories that matter.
If you haven't yet had a chance to contribute, there's still an opportunity to make a gift online. For those who have already made a gift, we deeply appreciate your support, and we hope you'll share our work across your social media.
Thank you for being our friend and partner in this critical work.
John Weis
Director of Development and Outreach
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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States