If you're thinking it's about time more people called Trump and his regime fascist, you'd be right. If you're thinking more people should pay attention to the scientists who've identifed the novel coronavirus 2019, and listen to their advice on how to stop this pandemic, you'd be right.
Doing both requires recognizing reality, and acting on that information. Trump has acted, lied, and failed to act during the crisis badly enough that 90,000 people have died, many needlessly, according to experts. And Trump doesn't consider that at all; whatever he says becomes "true" if it serves advancing this regime's program. is digging into the truth of these matters, and leading people to recognize the dangers we face and the possibility and need of stopping this regime, at the soonest possible time, with mass, sustained non-violent protest. RefuseFascism volunteers are working with ideas, live, with thinkers and activists, and getting on the streets in safe ways to build this great movement.
> > Can you put $5 today to help promote some of the actions you see below?

Coco Das, Member of Editorial Board in conversation with Amanda Marcotte, writer of recent article Oops, they did it again: Trump’s refusal to wear a mask as a signal to fascism

Coco Das, Member of Editorial Board in conversation with Amanda Marcotte, Politics Writer for & author of “Oops, they did it again: Trump’s refusal to wear a mask as a signal to fascism,” on Inside with #OUTNOW, a project of volunteers with An excerpt:
Coco Das: I really appreciate that Amanda has been here to get into some of this with us. I want to end with you on this question. You used the term “fascist impulse.” A lot of people will say that Trump is not a fascist because he has no ideology. But I think what you’ve brought out is the importance of seeing that this has become a pole in society, this way of thinking, this shattering of even the idea of objective truth, the whole thing that “whatever we say is true,” “might makes right.” That’s a pole in society that people are gravitating towards with very dangerous consequences, whether they’re fully ideologues or not. I thought maybe you can end with what does this mean for you? For women, for people of color, for immigrants, and why does it have to be understood and opposed?
Amanda Marcotte: The main thing to understand is that if you read a lot of historians of fascism they would tell you that fascism as a fleshed out ideology was never ever really truly a thing that our ideology of liberal democracy, or socialism, or something of that nature was. It really is a kind of taped together set of ugly impulses, of bigotry, contempt for the supposed weak, for exultation of patriarchy. Above all things, it’s a belief that power matters above anything else. It’s the will to power.
It becomes really clear, then, what that means for most of us. It means that all the levers that we have to pull to be sure we’re treated as full human beings, like appeals to law, appeals to rationality, appeals to humanity, appeals to very much enlightenment values, don’t matter. They just will step all over you. They will often classify those things as weak and stupid. We see the way they talk about scientists as weak and stupid a lot of the time as if even giving a crap about what scientists say is silly. That gives you a real hint as to what is going on here. So I think it’s very frustrating for a lot of liberals. I have to imagine the folks in the audience are frustrated by this because you want to argue it down. I want to emphasize more than anything, we’re up against a mentality that does not accept argument as a legitimate form of discourse. They only believe in power, which is why they lie shamelessly because it doesn’t matter as long as it gets them power. Once you understand that, it’s terrifying, but at least you can set aside the notion that you’re going to argue your way out of this. There’s only organizing your way out of this.
> > If you want to "get out of this," join with the movement to drive out this fascist regime. Read, sign and share Silent No More, the Statement of Conscience / Call to Act

> > in action during the pandemic Turn the volume up! Refuse Fascism Philly led a Community Car Caravan on May 16 through West Philly to enable real mass participation in meaningful resistance demanding this fascist regime must go now! We let people know ahead of time to be on the lookout, and some joined us from their porches and from the sidewalk banging pots and pans, waving signs and cheering! Others just heard or saw as we went by and joined in! We’ve got to take this fight straight to the fascists, but we also have to challenge the passivity of all the good people who don’t see their own role in this and their potential power to change the world.
> > Join in tonight. Inside with #OutNOW LIVE. 8:00 pm EDT / 5:00 pm PDT on Facebook Live
Writer & professor Jared Yates Sexton in conversation with volunteers from national team
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