As we bid farewell to an exhilarating year, I am reaching out to you to say one great big THANK YOU!
Thank you — because it is your passion, your voice, and your support that have been the heartbeat of CitizenGO's triumphs in 2024.
And what a ride it's been,John!
Our relentless commitment to fostering a world where life, family, faith, and liberty are respected, has echoed across the globe, and together, you and I have made significant strides and blocked the radical left.
The radical left threw everything at us this year, in the hope of silencing us on critical issues in the United States and across the globe — scorn, ridicule, intimidation, prosecution, and even arrest (YES, our team members were even arrested in Paris for standing up for our faith!)
Well, I’ve got news for them — they underestimated our collective strength, and they will never be able to silence us.
You and millions of like-minded citizens worldwide have enabled us to vigorously oppose and contest countless detrimental bills and policies all around the world, that sought to destroy life, undermine family values, and threaten fundamental freedoms.
And YOU WON!!!
The video really drives home how much we've done together, fighting for the values we hold dear. I'd love for you to watch this video and share it with your family, friends, and everyone you know!:

Your impact shines through in every victory we've celebrated together.
Let's take a moment to appreciate the remarkable achievements you and I have accomplished together here in the U.S. over the past 12 months:
We delivered 20,000 signatures to Congressman Chip Roy, halting the incineration of the bodies of five fully-formed infants recovered from an abortion clinic. Our timely action exposed this federal crime and notified members of Congress just in time for them to intervene. We continue to push for a full Congressional investigation into the deaths of these innocent babies.
We delivered over three million petitions throughout the halls of the House of Representatives, persuading Congress to protect us from the overreach of the pervasive Pandemic Treaty.
We stood with Eva Edl, an 89-year-old Yugoslavian death camp survivor and pro-life advocate. Your petitions to the DA ensured a public outcry that replaced her potential 11-year prison sentence with probation. We stood by her in court and will meet with her in mid-December to deliver the donations from the CitizenGO family, helping her face her ongoing hearing dates.
The CitizenGO USA team was actively involved in the recent election by equipping conservative voters with fliers, posters, yard signs, and voter guides, while holding key candidates accountable to our values of family, life, and freedom. Our efforts empowered voters and strengthened the voice of our movement, as seen at the ballot box!
This year, we launched the US Spanish-speaking list under the leadership of Lucia Gonzales. Together, we’ve already launched impactful campaigns and mobilized a growing number of supporters passionate about defending life, family, and freedom.
And, of course, CitizenGO USA Campaigners and Members supported family, life, and freedom at the March for Life in D.C., the Moms for Liberty Summit, the National Celebrate Life Conference, and several other like-minded events across the nation including Arizona, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Utah!

Global Campaigns - what a year it’s been!
Thanks to YOU, 2024 became a landmark for global campaigns. Your voice was pivotal in stalling the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and publicly embarrassing the WHO, not just once but twice! Here’s what went down and why it matters.
In May, the WHO was ready to push its sweeping, freedom-crushing U.N. Pandemic Treaty into effect. But because of you—and 3 million dedicated CitizenGO supporters worldwide—we stopped them cold. Your voices rang out, loud and clear, putting an immovable block in their path!
They tried again to seal the deal in November, when they hoped you and I would be caught off guard.
But yes, you’ve guessed it — CitizenGO was there again to block them!
This is no small feat — in fact, it’s one of the victories I’m most proud of. You, together with millions of CitizenGO supporters, were the driving force behind stopping one of the most ambitious and overreaching globalist projects in our time.
Without you, this treaty would already be law.
But with your support, we delivered millions of voices directly to WHO officials and delegates—they simply couldn’t ignore the pressure. Because of you, negotiations have been delayed yet again.
And we're not backing down. In the New Year, we’ll be right back, fighting tooth and nail to ensure this dangerous overreach never becomes reality.
You’re proving, again and again, that people power can hold back the most ambitious global projects—and win.
This victory is huge. And it’s just one of many. Together, we’re unstoppable.
At the 68th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the UN, we scored another victory by keeping Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) out of the final draft—for the second year in a row!
Thanks to your support, we protected children from radical sexual indoctrination and sent a clear message that life and family values are non-negotiable.
Your involvement in our global campaigns is key. Together, not only do we respond but we also take proactive actions to safeguard our core values, standing firm against radical leftists and globalists' attempts to reshape society and governance.

Now, let me share with you some of the most inspiring battles we’ve fought and the incredible victories we’ve achieved together across the globe:
Africa - We celebrated two major victories in Kenya: the successful launch of the National Family Protection and Promotion Policy after significant opposition, and the shelving of a controversial finance bill following strong public pressure mobilized by our petition.
Argentina - We celebrated a landmark victory, as our petition helped close the INADI, an institution misused for political agendas. Additionally, we delayed the appointment of corrupt judge Ariel Lijo to the Supreme Court.
Australia - We successfully rallied opposition to the Online Censorship Bill, ensuring the Liberal National Coalition stands firmly against it. Our Hands-Off Homeschooling campaign also protected parents’ rights to educate their children free from government overreach.
Brazil - We successfully stopped the Supreme Federal Court from authorizing transgender individuals to use women’s restrooms. We defended traditional family values by ensuring that the terms "mother" and "father" remain in official newborn documents.
Canada - We defeated a motion to fly the Pride Flag outside all Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board properties, preserving the focus of Catholic schools on faith-based values. We also delayed the expansion of euthanasia for the mentally ill and drug addicts. Our petition resulted in the Senate postponing until 2027.
Colombia - We secured the resignation of the Superintendent of Health Services, a gender activist pushing harmful policies like hormone treatments and surgeries for minors without parental consent. This victory ended a key proponent of the extreme transgender agenda.
Croatia - We successfully mobilized over 17,000 supporters to pressure the Education and Teacher Training Agency to remove sexual education guidelines, protecting children from harmful ideological propaganda.
France - In Mérignac, we mobilized successfully to cancel a drag queen workshop for children during school holidays, protecting kids from inappropriate content.
Germany - In Berlin, we rallied 29,000 supporters in just seven days to cancel a drag story hour for children, planned under the inappropriate name "Alexander Cameltoe." The event was ultimately canceled and hasn’t been rescheduled. Additionally, after a two-year struggle, we celebrated the recognition of a pro-life student group at Universität Regensburg.
Hungary - We secured the restoration of vandalized Christian symbols, including the Holy Crown on a Danube bridge. We helped organize Hungary’s largest pro-life event and successfully pressured a state-owned company to withdraw funding from an LGBT-friendly festival.
Ireland - Our advocacy weakened Ireland’s controversial Hate Speech Bill, forcing amendments that curtailed its original overreach. While it eventually passed, our efforts ensured it was much less harmful.
Italy - We successfully petitioned center-right senators to oppose the "Bazoli Bill" on assisted suicide, leading to a postponed discussion and slowing its progress while amplifying the defense of life. CitizenGO also played a central role in declaring surrogacy a universal crime. After years of dedicated campaigning, this monumental law passed the Senate in October, solidifying our stance on life and family.
Mexico - We halted harmful reforms in Puebla, preserving children’s rights and protections. We also defended the results of Jalisco’s election, ensuring the will of the voters was respected.
Netherlands - We successfully stopped Jumbo supermarkets from selling inappropriate sex toys and helped block the EU’s invasive Chat Control proposal, protecting privacy and freedom across Europe.
Poland - we secured the release of Fr. Olszewski after several months of unlawful detention and helped defeat a dangerous abortion bill in parliament, making a step forward in protecting the lives of unborn children.
Slovakia - We blocked the introduction of the abortion pill and prevented a Catholic hospital takeover that could have forced it to provide abortions.
United Kingdom - This year, we helped the Darlington Nurses defend women-only NHS spaces, securing a commitment from the Health Secretary to uphold biological realities. We also stopped Channel 4’s exploitative show Virgin Island from airing.
United States - English - We delivered 20,000 signatures to Congressman Chip Roy, halting the incineration of the bodies of five fully-formed infants recovered from an abortion clinic. Our efforts exposed this federal crime, and we continue to push for a Congressional investigation. We also stood with Eva Edl, a Yugoslavian death camp survivor and pro-life advocate, ensuring the court replaced her potential 11-year sentence with probation.
United States -Spanish- This year, we launched the US Spanish-speaking list. We’ve already launched impactful campaigns and mobilized a growing number of supporters passionate about defending life, family, and freedom.
Latin America - other countries - At the 54th Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly, we delivered over 60,000 signatures and worked closely with pro-life and pro-family NGOs to hold Latin American countries like Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil accountable for their radically pro-abortion actions. Our efforts influenced the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, ensuring two of three new judges align with life, family, and freedom values, safeguarding human rights from ideological reinterpretation.

These achievements from the past year are not just our organization's victories.
Our success in defending life, family, and freedom with over 40 victories is due to passionate people like you, from the United States and beyond 50 nations.
The battles we've fought and won would not have been possible without your invaluable support and they are a real testament to what we can achieve when we stand united for the principles we cherish.
As 2024 comes to a close, it's important to remember that our mission is ongoing. The achievements we aspire to in the coming year will also heavily depend on your unwavering commitment
Looking ahead to 2025, we are focusing on several critical endeavors, both within the United States and internationally:
- Protect life, family, faith, and freedom.
- Safeguard your individual health freedoms as the globalist drive for a worldwide Pandemic Treaty relentlessly persists.
- Continue our court battles against those responsible for the mockery of Christians at the Paris Olympics and the arrest of our campaigns team on the ground.
- Oppose and defund the radical pro-abortion, LGBT, and transgender agendas at the United Nations and its agencies.
- Stop the censorship of Christian, pro-life, and pro-liberty voices in politics, on TV, on social media, and other online platforms;
- Promote actions to halt the increasing sexualization of children in classrooms, which have turned into centers of gender ideology indoctrination and radical left propaganda.
- Protect Parental Rights: Defend parental authority by supporting pro-family laws and running campaigns against initiatives that undermine parental rights globally.
- Defend Religious Freedom: We stand against censorship, discrimination, public mockery, and persecution of Christians, including professionals who refuse practices that violate their beliefs, defending their right to work with integrity across all fields.
- Oppose Globalist Power Grabs: Challenge UN and EU efforts to override national sovereignty through campaigns, petitions, and alliances that protect local governance and autonomy.
- Continue to impact elections and legislation in the United States on behalf of life, family, and liberty.
- Protect women and girls from the new Title IX mandates.
- Safeguard children from sexual mutilation.
- Stand with whistleblowers and pro-life advocates against unjust prosecution.
I am filled with gratitude for all your efforts and the extraordinary achievements we've made together. It's an honor to stand with you in this mission.
Your commitment to creating a better world is truly remarkable, and together, year after year, we are seeing that we are really making a difference!
Thank you for being an essential part of our journey and for your tireless efforts in championing our shared values.