Thank you for everything you do to make this world a better place. Here’s one more thing, and it’s incredibly important.
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Tonight's midnight deadline for our Giving Tuesday fundraising campaign is almost here… and unfortunately, we're still nearly $18,000 short of our goal.
Millions rely on Common Dreams to deliver hard-hitting news and opinion year round. But did you know less than 1% of those readers ever donate?
Will you make a Giving Tuesday gift to Common Dreams right now and help close this urgent fundraising shortfall? ([link removed])
We've survived this long only because of that incredible group of supporters who make everything our independent journalism possible. Your gift is the one we need most.
Please join us. Thank you for everything you do to make this world a better place. Thank you for supporting this project we call Common Dreams.
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With solidarity and gratitude,
Kim Monaghan
Board Chair
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team
P.S. Common Dreams relies on sustaining donors to make long-term plans to improve our reporting. Will you become a monthly donor today? ([link removed])
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Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to:
Common Dreams . PO Box 443 . Portland, ME 04112-0443 . USA
Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Your contribution is tax-deductible.
EIN: 20-3368194
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