I have seen firsthand the difference your donation makes. It helps families access shelter, water, and food after fleeing their homes that were destroyed by bombs. It helps farmers adapt to changing weather conditions so they can feed their communities. It helps young people find their passions and start businesses to pursue them. That’s why I’m personally reaching out to you today to ask you to make a contribution that will help us reach families around the world with the TWICE support they need to build a better future. Can I count on you to make your Giving Tuesday matching gift now?
One part of my job that I am grateful for is the ability to meet with and hear the stories of the people we serve. Here I am with families I met on my recent trip to the West Bank.
They’re participating in our psychosocial services, which are programs designed to offer children and young people in Gaza a range of support services to help them strengthen mental well-being, build life skills, get involved in their communities, and open opportunities for the future. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, I met families in a displacement camp and learned about the impact Mercy Corps’ new water system has had on their lives. Now families can drink, cook, and bathe with clean water without worrying about getting sick. These are just two examples of the ways your generosity — along with our teams and the communities we serve — can truly help change people’s lives. Today, you can make a life-changing impact with a matching gift in honor of Giving Tuesday. Thank you for being part of our community and for making our world a place where everyone can thrive. In partnership, Tjada D’Oyen McKenna CEO, Mercy Corps |