From Autistic Self Advocacy Network <>
Subject Today Is Giving Tuesday! Will you build with us?
Date December 3, 2024 9:01 PM
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Today is Giving Tuesday! Will you help us build a strong foundation for our Advocacity? As 2024 draws to a close, for each fundraising goal we hit, ASAN’s miniature advocacy town will grow! We know our strength lies in one another and as long as we work together, we can bring our community closer to a future where autistic people’s rights to live, work, and thrive in community are respected and protected.

Illustration of a section of a city with no buildings. There is a road and a train tracks going through it. There is also a section of green space with a few trees. [[link removed]]

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving where nonprofits of all sizes ask folks to donate and support their causes as a part of the holiday season.

In 2024, the support of our community has made it possible for ASAN to:

* Publish a major report on behavior supports throughout the US [[link removed]] and how they can be made better.
* Attend federal census meetings and push for the inclusion of disability in conversations about changes to the next census and American Community Survey.
* Publish resources on gender affirming care for transgender and nonbinary people with disabilities. [[link removed]]
* Hold trainings [[link removed]] to make sure self-advocates know their voting rights.
* Welcome 13 new autistic self-advocates to the Autism Campus Inclusion Leadership Academy [[link removed]].
* And much more.

You can read more about the work we’ve done this past year in our annual report here. [[link removed]]

As we move into 2025 with Executive Director Colin Killick taking the helm, we’re grateful to our community for giving ASAN a sturdy foundation of support as we worked to find the right person to lead our team into this new era of our work. We know our strength lies in our community. When all of us come together to fight for our rights, to insist that each and every one of us is deserving of safety, dignity, respect, and the right to live and thrive in our communities, we build true power.

Every day, ASAN’s team works together to make sure policies that impact autistic people’s lives include autistic people and put resources into the hands of self-advocates. This crucial work would not be possible without the support of our community.

Your support [[link removed]] lets us make sure everyone has accessible information about the issues that affect them. Here’s how you can help us keep that going:

* Donate to us directly here [[link removed]]
* Or become a member and get exclusive perks here [[link removed]]
* Start a Facebook fundraiser [[link removed]] at no cost to you, and share with friends
* Buy a copy of Loud Hands or another one of our books here [[link removed]]
* Get a sticker or other item from our Threadless shop [[link removed]]
* Spread the word about us! You can tell your friends about us on social media, via email, or in person

This Giving Tuesday, we ask you to help make sure we can start a new era at ASAN strong by showing your support in one of the ways above.

Autistic Self Advocacy Network
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
United States
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