To call this a crisis would be an understatement. Our backs are to the wall, and our political opponents are ready to pounce.
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We now have just under 9 hours left in our do-or-die Giving Tuesday fundraising campaign, and we're still over $25,000 short of our goal.
There's never been a more dangerous time for nonprofit journalism, and we honestly may not survive if we fall short.
We're running out of time. In this season of giving — and today in particular — please support the independent journalism of Common Dreams, which provides news and opinion you can trust all year long. ([link removed])
To call this a crisis would be an understatement. Our backs are to the wall, and our political opponents are ready to pounce.
Please chip in whatever you can. Every gift — no matter the size — makes our work possible. The fascists and the oligarchs have shown us what they are capable of and told us what to expect. ([link removed])
We won't ever bow to them. But we'll need your support more than ever to fend off their attacks on the common good and all we hold dear. Sticking together is the only way we survive.
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With solidarity and gratitude,
Kim Monaghan
Board Chair
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team
P.S. Common Dreams relies on sustaining donors to make long-term plans to improve our reporting. Will you become a monthly donor today? ([link removed])
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Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to:
Common Dreams . PO Box 443 . Portland, ME 04112-0443 . USA
Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Your contribution is tax-deductible.
EIN: 20-3368194
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