Bumping this up for you, John. I'm so impressed and grateful for our community's response to our GivingTuesday goal. I hope you'll join us in giving your all—we only have until midnight to reach $10K.
Every dollar you give strengthens our fight for abortion justice by reinforcing a right to bodily autonomy—federal and state law be damned. We'll create legal avenues for patients and providers to protect themselves against anti-abortion harassment. And we'll continue our work to remove all restrictions on abortion care, including insurance coverage.
I believe in fighting for a better world. It's what I've been taught by the brilliant Black women before me, from the activists in my family to my heroes. Some like Faye Wattleton built the reproductive justice movement. Others like Star Trek's Lt. Uhura exemplified courage, grace, and tenacity in the face of unfathomable odds. Together, they showed me that a future full of joy and freedom is possible, and it is worth fighting for.
There's so much work to do, but we can do it with your support. Please give before midnight. We promise a bolder future—and we plan on delivering it sooner rather than later.
In solidarity,
Nourbese Flint