I have never been more proud to be a Texan and a Republican than I am right
now. Throughout this unfortunate crisis, I have seen the great people of Texas
come together and support each other like never before. I have seen our
Republican leadership step up to the plate to help our people and unite in
solidarity to help stop the spread of this terrible disease and reopen Texas as
quickly as possible.
This is why it’s so sad to see the Democrats try to divide our state and our
country to push their radical agenda.
While President Trump has been working tirelessly on the behalf of Texans,
Democrats have rallied supporters from across the country to try to turn Texas
John, I need your help, and we need to act fast. We cannot and we must not
allow the Democrats to take away our freedoms and attack our conservative
Rush in Your Urgent Support
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I will continue to work with the Texas GOP and President Trump to make sure I
am doing everything in my power to ensure our state stays red, but I can’t do
it without you.
John, I am asking you to step up to the plate and stand in unity with your
fellow Texas Republicans and President Trump.Act now, before it's too late!
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Senator Ted Cruz
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