From Cystic Fibrosis Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject We need your support this GivingTuesday
Date December 3, 2024 7:16 PM
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Help us unlock the match!

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This GivingTuesday, your donation will have double the impact, thanks to a $250,000 matching gift from the Stremick family.
Your matched donation ([link removed])
lays the foundation for tomorrow's breakthroughs and helps ensure we can continue to support high-quality, specialized care for people with cystic fibrosis.

UNLOCK THE MATCH ([link removed])

While treatments for CF have improved over time, Amanda's journey reminds us why every contribution matters.

"Living with a chronic, progressive illness like CF has taught me to be present in the tension of the hard and good in life, and that grief and gratitude can coexist simultaneously. CF stripped me bare of nearly everything I found meaning and identity in -- my job, physical strength, future, and sense of normalcy. Your donation can literally mean more years of life for so many more people."

CF doesn't wait. Neither can Amanda. Every day without a cure is one day too many for people suffering from this disease. Your generosity helps fund groundbreaking genetic-based therapies -- the most complex and promising research we've ever undertaken.

People with CF and their families are counting on you ([link removed]). Together, we'll make twice the impact.


The Stremick Family is offering a $250,000 match for the CF Foundation's 2024 GivingTuesday campaign. Beginning December 2, 2024, non-special event donations made online at in the amount of $1 to $250,000 in support of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will be matched dollar for dollar up to $250,000 by December 5, 2024, or when the match is complete, whichever comes first. Donations received in excess of the match will be used to support the CF Foundation's mission.

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4550 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 1100N | Bethesda, MD 20814 US

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