Dear John,
Today is the day! It’s Giving Tuesday, and during the next 24 hours people around the world will join in the global day of giving! Here at Futures Without Violence, we have set a fundraising goal of $200,000 for our year-end campaign, which a generous donor is prepared to match dollar for dollar. As one of our supporters and allies, I’m writing to thank you for your support and ask that this year, you make a year-end gift to FUTURES and stand up for women and families who need your help.
At FUTURES, we know that our mission is clear: to heal those traumatized by violence today and create healthy families and communities free of violence tomorrow. To do this work, we enlist allies, empower partners, amplify voices and work towards bold, innovative solutions. A perfect example of how we think outside the box and dig in on tough problems is our program, All In For Kids. All In For Kids is a community development program designed to promote healthy childhood development. In early childhood-when brains and bodies are still developing-repeated exposure to traumatic stress can cause long-term harm. Through All in For Kids, FUTURES is investing in trailblazing community groups that are finding new ways to get vulnerable children and families the support they need. By strengthening policies and building creative financing systems, working directly with care-givers
and focusing on upstream care, FUTURES is creating conditions that help families and communities prosper.