From Justin Balik, Evergreen <[email protected]>
Subject RIGHT NOW: Triple your climate impact
Date December 3, 2024 5:00 PM
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How we can seize climate wins in key states and beyond!


Here at Evergreen Action, we're in the thick of an intense sprint to Trump-proof climate wins before Inauguration Day. And right now, our team is accelerating one of the most crucial aspects of our strategy: Kickstarting the state and local leadership that will drive real climate progress in the next four years.

Our team knows that states will need to effectively take the leading role in climate change policy over the next four years. And this #GivingTuesday only—we have a chance to TRIPLE the funds we can pour into this all-important effort. Will you have your gift tripled right now to empower the state and local climate leadership that can thwart Trump's Big Oil agenda?

Your gift right now will help our team accelerate state-level climate action that can withstand the pressures of Trump's presidency.

You'll empower us to push Biden and state leaders to get critical Inflation Reduction Act investments out the door and into communities ASAP, and to expedite the approval and implementation of critical state policies—like New York's congestion pricing program and California's waivers for clean vehicle and zero-emission appliance standards.

State policies can be a game-changer during the four years we're facing with a Trump presidency. New York's congestion pricing is poised to reduce emissions by cutting traffic and incentivizing cleaner transportation. California's standards will benefit the entire country by reducing carbon pollution from vehicles and appliances.

But here's the thing: We need to keep the pressure on. In this fragile moment, every win matters—and that means making sure Biden and state leaders listen to communities, not just fossil-fuel lobbyists.

Thanks to a generous donor, every dollar you give today will be TRIPLED. Together, let's seize this rare chance to triple our impact and amplify our efforts.

Your triple impact will transform the way we win and help us to…

Supercharge our advocacy efforts in New York, California, and elsewhere, ensuring these groundbreaking state policies don't just survive—they thrive.

Equip our small but mighty team with the resources to work hand-in-hand with local activists, partners, and policymakers on the ground to see these policies through to fruition.

Elevate state-level leadership to the national stage, showing the world what real climate action looks like.

We're counting on you to help us get this right. Let's make sure this opportunity isn't lost. Triple the gift means triple the impact—use your power to make our climate goals a reality!

Together, we can create a climate future that is both bold and resilient, no matter what happens in D.C.

In solidarity,

Justin Balik

Senior State Program Director
Evergreen Action

1250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20036

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