The Illinois Green Party is investing in our future.
Greens are people powered and committed to serving ALL the people, not just the privileged few. Our current political class is tied to the whims of their elite donors. Their acceptance of super pac and billionaire cash is responsible for keeping the broken system in place. They are not the ones who can change it.
There is another way.
Greens are ready to take on the system! Our members are already beginning to step up to represent us in local, state and national offices. Illinois Green Party candidates will need volunteers AND financial support in order to get their message out. Our platform is wildly popular as poll after poll has repeatedly shown. The best way forward is to elect people fighting to make it a reality!!
Please consider a monthly donation to give our candidates the best chance at winning! A one time donation is also greatly appreciated!
Check out our Green Livestream on Tuesdays @ 7pm and our Thursday organizing meetups by clicking ?on events button below.
Can we count on you to give today?
747 Boughton Rd. #227 Bolingbrook, IL 60440
call/text 773-809-4547
email us @ [email protected]
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