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** Your daily media briefing - Friday 16 August
In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
** Secularism in the media
* Religious influence in Scottish schools 'waning' - NSS quoted <[link removed]>
Nearly a third of councils are considering stripping church leaders of their right to vote on education boards.
The Times (£)
* 'Should all faith schools be banned?' <[link removed]>
Author and a former parish priest GP Taylor says religion has no place in running a modern school.
The Telegraph (£)
* Cricket club alleges discrimination over Muslim festival <[link removed]>
A cricket club claims it has been discriminated against for not playing a match during a religious festival.
BBC News
* 'Hong Kong crisis reflects religious freedom struggle in mainland China' <[link removed]>
A Christian organisation is calling on China to grant freedom of religion to Christians in the mainland who are experiencing increasing persecution.
Christian Today
* Israel bans two US Muslim congresswomen after Trump tweet <[link removed]>
Israel barred two American Muslim congresswomen from a planned visit yesterday within an hour of President Trump tweeting that "it would show great weakness" to let them in.
The Times (£)
* 'Three books on abuse and safeguarding in the Church' <[link removed]>
Robin Gill reviews new titles that address the C of E's abuse scandal. NSS vice president Richard Scorer is quoted.
Church Times
* 'Peterloo 200 years on' <[link removed]>
On August 16, 1819, a cavalry made up of volunteer troops rode past the church and into St Peter's Field, where up to 60,000 peaceful working people had met to demand representation in Parliament and the right to vote.
Manchester Evening News
** Latest from the NSS
* Public Health England changes vaccination advice after NSS lobbying <[link removed]>
A health body has withdrawn guidance encouraging parents to seek faith leaders' advice over vaccinations after the NSS questioned it.
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