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Here's what your donations accomplished...

We're so thankful for support from passionate citizens like you. Your donations, prayer, and word of mouth made a huge impact this election cycle! We wanted to celebrate with you and encourage you to continue helping us serve as a positive voice for your values.

  • CTV-PAC endorsed 90 candidates in the 2024 General Election. Out of that group, 60 candidates won their races! That's a 67% victory rate!

  • We made a difference in gaining a State House majority. Out of the 7 key districts we targeted, 5 of those CTV-PAC endorsed candidates won!

  • We also helped distribute voter guides in 3 other districts where victories were secured. Even in 3 key races that were lost, gains were seen statewide.

  • 100,000 Michigan voters received our nonpartisan, comparative voter guides thanks to your help!

The only way we can continue to monitor new policies, represent you at the capitol, and alert Michigan citizens is with YOUR support.

Every little bit helps. Donate just $20 today.

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Victory for CTV-PAC Endorsed Candidates

Thank you to all the candidates who invested their time, money, and effort into their races this year. Below are some of the great men and women you can count on to represent your values in 2025.

See All CTV-PAC Endorsed Winners
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