Here's what your donations accomplished...
We're so thankful for support from passionate citizens like you. Your donations, prayer, and word of mouth made a huge impact this election cycle! We wanted to celebrate with you and encourage you to continue helping us serve as a positive voice for your values.
- CTV-PAC endorsed 90 candidates in the 2024 General Election. Out of that group, 60 candidates won their races! That's a 67% victory rate!
- We made a difference in gaining a State House majority. Out of the 7 key districts we targeted, 5 of those CTV-PAC endorsed candidates won!
- We also helped distribute voter guides in 3 other districts where victories were secured. Even in 3 key races that were lost, gains were seen statewide.
- 100,000 Michigan voters received our nonpartisan, comparative voter guides thanks to your help!