COVID-19 and The Human Right to Housing
The spread of COVID-19 has shed necessary light on the need for a right to housing.
The United Nations has issued guidance to protect the human rights of homeless people during the pandemic. Following advocacy from groups like Moms 4 Housing, California introduced a bill to amend their state constitution to include the human right to housing.
Join us on Wednesday, May 20th, as we discuss human rights and homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar will feature:
  • Maria Foscarinis, Founder & Executive Director of the Law Center
  • Eric Tars, Legal Director of the Law Center
  • Leilani Farha, Global Director The Shift, Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing
  • Carroll Fife, Director of ACCE Oakland & Moms 4 Housing Representative
  • Assemblymember Rob Bonta, Represents Oakland, Alameda, and San Leandro in the California Assembly (18th AD)
  • Additional speakers to come
Please register for our third webinar on May 20th, 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST at: 
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
This biweekly webinar series will share the actions and legal strategies needed to ensure a right to housing both during the COVID-19 and moving forward. Keep an eye out for future themes and speakers! 
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National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036